Why Did I Do That?

Getting to Know You: 

  • Share a lifestyle change that you look forward to making in your life soon.

Going Deeper: 

Read Romans 7:13-25 together.

We are in an ongoing spiritual war! Aaron described three enemies that we face – the devil, the world and our flesh.

  • Why are we unable to win this war on our own? Will we ever be free of sin?
  • Read 1 Peter 5:8-9 and Ephesians 6:10-12. According to these passages, how and why does Satan attack us?
  • Read 1 Peter 4:1-4, 12 and Matthew 5:11-12. How and why does the world attack us?
  • Read James 1:13-15 and Galatians 6:16-26. What is the ‘pull’ that our flesh has in our lives? How and why are we are war with our flesh?

What hope do believers in Jesus have for victory and freedom in our lives? How should we fight this war? To help answer these questions, look at Ephesians 6:13-18, Romans 7:24-25, and James 4:7-10.

Taking it Home:

Remember this: “Grace sets me free to defeat sin daily.” This week, meditate daily on Ephesians 2:8-10.


I Fought the Law and the Law Won

Getting to Know You:

  • Discuss a time you were clearly in the wrong, but you insisted you were right…how did that go for you?
  • Would you rather spend time wisely or just live in the moment?

Going Deeper

  • Read Romans 7:1-6 and discuss why people might conclude that the law is sin.
    – Discuss Romans 6:14. How do grace and law go hand in hand?
  • What is the function of the law according to Rom. 7:7?
    – Discuss the benefit of the law to followers of Jesus today.
  • How might the law increase sin in us? Does that make the law guilty or does it make the law-breaker guilty.
  • Discuss why some today accuse God of being immoral because of his law and standards.
  • How might we avoid coveting or lusting after people and things? Use Matt. 5:27-30, 2 Tim. 2:22, Col. 3:5, Rom. 13:9
  • Read Rom. 7:11 and the account of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 and discuss how sin “seizes an opportunity” in us and is ready to “pounce” on us. What do these verses tell us is the way to guard against this from happening?

Taking It Home

  • Take a moment each day to confess sin before the Lord.
  • Reflect on the forgiveness you have from God and how you have been declared righteous and think on how you might live righteously.

Witness This!

Getting to Know you:

  • Discuss a time you were witness to something amazing or horrific.

Going Deeper

  • Read Revelation 11.
    – What is the significance of the measuring in vs.1-2. Read Dan. 5:27 and Rev. 7:3-4 to assist your answers.
  • In Rev. 11:15-19 forecasts the second coming. Discuss some of the details of the 2nd coming John lists in these verses.
    – What should our response be in light of Jesus’ return according to vs.16-17?
  • How are God’s people the temple of God? Read 1 Cor.3:16 and 2 Cor.6:18-20 to assist your answer.
    – If we are God’s temple how then should we live?
  • Read Daniel 7:21-25. What will characterize the beast/antichrist?
    – Notice the time stamp in vs.25 and discuss how it connects to Rev.11:2-3.
  • In Rev. 11:13 people give glory to God. What is the significance of that reality considering earlier responses in the book? (Rev. 9:20-21, Rev. 6:15-17)
  • Discuss the statement “repentance is the message of the gospel and the kingdom of God.” What is repentance and why is it so crucial for salvation? See Mark 1:14, Matt.3:8)

Take It Home

  • Spend some time actively repenting before the Lord of known and unknown sins.
    – Meditate on Psalm 19:12-14
    – Repent of known sins against others and ask their forgiveness.
  • Testify to God’s goodness this week by publicly thanking God or posting a verse on social media or by speaking up at work.

The Bitter-Sweet End

Getting to Know You:

• What’s one food you will never eat again? Or something you were forced to eat that took a long time to try again?

Going Deeper:

• What is the significance of the angel being on the land and the sea in Rev. 10:2? How does vs.6 play into this?

• What do the following verses tell us about God’s Word and why it’s important to regularly be in it? Jer. 15:16, Ps. 119:103, 1 Pet. 2:2-3, Ps. 34:8

– What connection does this have with meditating on God’s Word? Jos. 1:8

– What can make God’s Word sweet and what can make it bitter?

– What can we do to ensure we are eating sweets more during our week?

• Watch the “Angel of the Lord” video from The Bible Project. o Do you think the angel in Rev. 10 is an angel or Jesus?

– How is the mighty angel in Rev. 10 similar to Jesus?

– Read Genesis 16. How do these verses make it plain the angel of the Lord is Yahweh?

– Read Ex. 3:1-6. How does the angel of the Lord describe himself here?

– Why do you think John describes Jesus in angel of the Lord rhetoric in Rev. 10?

• Read John 3:36—how might we ensure we avoid God’s Wrath?

– According to Rev.10:6 the time is short. Knowing that how should we prepare ourselves and interact with others?

Taking it Home:

• Spend some time this week eating sweets! In other words, be in the Word. Start a bible reading plan or get back into the one you’ve already started!


I am Resurrection and Life

Getting to Know You: 

  • What’s one fantastic claim you can make that people may or may not believe?

Going Deeper: 

  • In John 11:17-23 Martha appears disappointed with Jesus.  Is it ok to feel this way towards God?  Why or why not? 
  • What is the reason Jesus gave for allowing Lazarus to die in vs.4? 
    • How did the glory of God get shown in this case? 
    • How might we evidence the glory of God in both our life and our death? 
  • What proof did John give of Lazarus’s resurrection in chapter 12:1-11?
    • Why is evidence important to back up scripture and the claims of Jesus? 
  • In John 11:25-26 Jesus makes it clear that anyone who believes in me will never die.  What other verses come to mind that state something similar?
    • Why is the availability to all such an important aspect of the gospel? 
  • Read John 11:33-37.  What do you notice about Jesus’ response to Lazarus’ death?  What does this tell us about the character of God? 

Taking it Home: 

  • Consider what it means to live the resurrection out everyday. 
    • How might you follow Jesus every day and live like He is your King? 
    • Worship Jesus daily and give him thanks
    • Look forward to the return of Jesus

The Trumpet Calls Again

Getting to Know You: 

What part of heaven do you look forward to the most, and why?

Going Deeper: 

Read 2 Peter 3.

  • From verses 1-13, list the characteristics of the Day of Judgment. Compare with Revelation 20:7-15.
  • According to 2 Peter 3, what aspects of God’s character are revealed in light of the Day of Judgment? And how does this impact each of our lives today? Compare with Joel 2:12-14.
    • What are some ways that we “rend our garments” and not our hearts? What does it mean to truly repent?
  • Peter gives many exhortations for how believers in Jesus are to live as the Day of Judgment approaches – which one challenges you, and why? How can you act on it this week?

Read Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6; compare with Revelation 9:4-5, 11.

  • According to these verses, what does Satan want to do? To what extent is he successful?
  • If God is in control at all times, why does He allow suffering? Consult Romans 8:18-28 and James 1:2-4 as part of your answer.

Take Home: 

Put Psalm 139:23-24 somewhere you will see it this week – on a sticky note, a whiteboard, your phone’s background, etc. Meditate on it, and repent of any sin that God reveals to you.


The Trumpet Calls

Getting to Know you:
• Talk about the last time you “unplugged” and spent some real time silent with God. What did it benefit you? How did you deal with the uncomfortable part of the silence?

Going Deeper:
• What are some ways we can avoid reading into the bible text and making it say what it never meant to say?

• Discuss how our prayers are like a sweet smelling aroma and a sacrifice of praise to God. Look up the following verses: Lev. 16:12-13, Ex. 30:8-10, 2 Cor. 2:15, Heb. 13:15

• What are some of the things that prevent you from spending more time in prayer? What might you do to create space for more prayer in your life?

• Look up the plagues that correspond to Revelation 8 and discuss the connection between the plagues and the trumpets and why that’s significant. (Ex. 9:22-26, Ex. 7:14-24, Ex. 10:21-23)

• Read Isaiah 52 and discuss the connections between the nation of Babylon and the Spirit of Babylon in Revelation.

• Discuss why we feel God doesn’t hear or answer our prayers at times? Name 7 reasons God doesn’t answer prayer according to the verses listed. (James 4:3 & 6, Isaiah 59:2, James 1:6, 1 Peter 3:7, Isa. 55:8-9, James 4:2)
– What other reasons can you think why God doesn’t answer?
– Which one of the above reasons do you most need to work on?

Taking it Home:
• Go over the Lord’s prayer with your family and discuss what it means when we pray for God’s will on earth to be done.
• Pray more this week by implementing at least one of the following: Pray when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Pray with your spouse before you or they leave for work. Pray with your kids before they go off to school or work or sports activity.


Salvation Belongs to God

Getting to Know You:
• Share an intense experience you’ve had at work, school, home, etc. and how God walked you through it.

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 7

• Read vs.9-10. Discuss the beauty of diversity in the kingdom. What’s the importance of unity in the local church and how can we practically maintain it as Eph.4:3 commands?

• What is the significance of God holding back the winds in verses 1-3?
– What does this show about God’s character?

• Look up the following verses that talk about the seal of God and discuss what the seal is and what it does. (Eph. 1:13, 4:30, Rev. 9:4, 2 Cor. 1:22, 2 Tim. 2:19)

• What is the connection between the seals in Rev. 7 and Ezekiel 9:1-6?
– Why does John so often quote or allude to the OT in Revelation?

• Who do you believe the 144,000 are? Explain your answer from scripture. Use Revelation 14 to help you.

• List the characteristics of God in vs.12 and discuss the significance of each.
– Note how many are listed and why that’s important.

• What’s the significance of having robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb? What’s the connection to Isa. 53 and Ex. 12

Take Home:
• Make a list of 10 Promises of God that are dear to you and be willing to share some of them with the group next week.


The Beginning of the End

Getting to Know You:
• Describe a time in your life that was particularly chaotic for you. What helped you survive that situation?

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 6.

• Notice the martyrs in verses 9-11.
– Where are they located and why is that significant?
– Why were they killed? What then should we be willing to die for as followers of Jesus?
– Read 1 Peter 4:12-19 and John 15:18-25. What are the reasons believers are persecuted in these verses?
– How might we prepare ourselves for coming persecution?
– What do the martyrs ask for in vs.10? Does this seem appropriate in your mind? Why or why not? How does this compare to imprecatory psalms such as Psalm 79:6-7. How might Romans 12:19 play into this?

• Look up Zechariah 6:1-6. Note the similarities between these verses and Rev. 6:1-8. Even in the middle of all this chaos, Jesus is in control. What comfort does this bring you now and for times?

• How and why do all the most powerful people in our world respond the way they do in Rev. 6:15-16?
– Why do they want to die instead of facing God’s wrath?
– What does this tell us about the nature of God’s wrath? Look up the following verses to help you answer: John 3:36, Nahum 1:2-6, Romans 2:5.

Take it Home:
• Memorize and meditate on Psalm 56:3-4. Be prepared to recite it at community group next week!


Worthy is the Lamb

Getting to Know You:
• What’s your favourite style (s) of music and why?
• What do you most appreciate about worshiping God together at church?

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 4-5 together. What are the similarities between Revelation 4 and 5, particularly when it comes to God the Father and the Lamb?

• Where is the Lamb located in Revelation 5:6-8.
– What is the significance of the Lamb’s location?
– Is the Lamb on the throne in these verses?
– Why is the Lamb not enthroned until Rev. 22:1-4?

• Look up the reasons Jesus is counted worthy in Revelation 5:9-10.

• What is the significance of music now on earth, now in the church, and in the future in heaven.

• What are you most looking forward to when it comes to our eternal home?

• Look up Psalm 148 and discuss the significance of all of creation giving praise to God.

Taking it Home:
• Spend some quiet time alone with God this week. Unplug from your devices and get away from work, noise and even family if necessary. Go for a walk and enjoy time in God’s creation.
