Deny Yourself
Getting to Know You:
- Why do you think people are so drawn to social media likes and gaining followers?
- How does that reflect on our need to follow Jesus?
Going Deeper:
- Read Mark 10:28-31. What answer does Jesus give Peter when Peter leaves everything to follow Jesus?
- How is leaving everything to follow Jesus and denying myself connected?
- What does it mean in this context that the first will be last and last first?
- Read Luke 14:26-35 and discuss the costs Jesus says are associated with following him.
- What does Jesus mean when he says to hate your family?
- Why must we be willing to renounce everything we have to be a disciple?
- Read Colossians 3:2-8. What does it mean to put to death our fleshly desires?
- What on this list do you struggle to kill in your life?
- How might you kill it? Read Romans 8:5-14 and discuss several ways to kill the flesh.
- According to John 15:18-20 what is the reason the world hates those who follow Jesus?
- How are we to react when that happens?
Taking it Home:
- What do you need to do to deny yourself? What needs to die in your life to take up your cross? Make a list and choose something to start denying/killing this week.