Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood
Getting To Know You
Describe your favourite meal.
Going Deeper
- Jesus mentions the first of 7 I am statements in John 6:35. Look up and discuss the other 6 in John 8:12, John 10:9-14, John 11:25, John 14:6, John 15:1-5
o What is Jesus claiming with these statements? Look up Exodus 3:6 - Discuss the merits of assurance of salvation as described in John 6:36-44.
o What gives you the most hope in these verses? - What’s the relationship between belief and God’s calling in John 6:36-44 specifically between those who come to Jesus and believe and those the Father draws in vs.36-37, 44, 47.
- John 6:41-43 tells us some people “grumbled” at Jesus.
o Why did they grumble?
o What are some things we might grumble about God?
o What’s the solution to grumbling according to vs.47? - What’s the connection between John 6:53-56 and communion? See Luke 22:14-23 to make the connection.
o Does the bread and the juice actually become the body and blood of Jesus according to these vs?
o Why do some churches teach this?
Taking it Home
- Think about your reason for following Jesus this week? Is it because he’s your spiritual slot machine? Is it because you’re trying to look good to others? Is it because you’re a faker—a sheep in wolves clothing? Or is it because you genuinely love the Lord because He first loved you?
- Meditate on John 6:35 and Jesus being the Bread of Life.