Giving – The Lost Blessing
Getting to Know You:
Share an example of a time when someone gave generously to you, and how that impacted you.
Going Deeper:
Read Acts 20:35.
- Discuss the different ‘financial worldviews’ you see around you – yours, your friends’, your co-worker’s, etc.
Read Exodus 25:2,8, 36:3-7; 1 Chronicles 29:3,6,9,11-12.
- Have you ever been bitten by the generosity bug, maybe even surprised yourself at how much you gave? Share how that felt. What power does generosity have in our lives, and how does it impact us?
- Look again at 1 Chronicles 29:11-12. How is generosity a form of worship? Like other forms of worship, it is not limited to just Sunday mornings at church but is meant to be how we live each day. What is one practical way you can practice generosity as a form of worship that you are not already doing?
Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-9.
- What are the promises we are given in this passage?
- Look again at verse 7. Name some of the ways you feel compelled to give. What is the genuine need that is present in each of those situations? Perhaps you won’t give in that situation (and there is nothing wrong with that), but if you do, what steps can you take to make sure that you give in a spirit of generosity?
Taking it Home:
Ask God to put an opportunity in your path this week to give financially that is above and beyond how you currently give. Trust Him and give cheerfully!