Seeing Jesus for Who He Is

Getting to Know You: 

• Share with the group something that as a child you believed wholeheartedly to be true but was actually false. 

Going Deeper:

• Why do you think children have such a sincere faith? What is it about them that Jesus wants us to emulate? Luke 18:15-17 

• Why does our world think Jesus and His Kingdom are foolish? Think especially of our society now. Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. 

o What are some of the temptations we Christians will face while following Jesus and belonging to His ‘upside-down’ kingdom? Think of your life and experience in following Jesus, and the lives of other believers you know. 

• Read Matthew 5:3-10. What are some “foolish” things about Jesus and His kingdom that you find difficult to accept? 

o On the other hand, which “foolish” things have blessed your life, that you are grateful you have received in Christ? 

• Humility is the key ingredient to having childlike faith. Read Proverbs 3:33-35, and then James 4:6-7, 10 and 1 Peter 5:5b-7. 

o What are some of the everyday ways that pride shows up in our lives? In your life?

o What does the process of humbling yourself look like for you? And what is the role of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word in that process? Read Romans 12:1-2 to help you answer. 

Taking it Home: 

This week, choose one of your questions or doubts and bring it to God; seek Him in prayer and His Word and trust Him with childlike faith.

Repenting and Stomping

Getting to Know You:

Share with the group a time when you experienced a moment of clarity where you understood the consequences of your sin and wrongdoing. How did that moment impact you?

Going Deeper:
What is ‘repentance’? How and why is it different from remorse, just feeling bad and regretting your sin? Consider the towns and people Jesus lists in Luke 10:13-15. They had received His ministry, yet had not repented. According to the second half of verse 13, grief plays an important role in repentance. Why is this? Read 2 Corinthians 7:8-10 and discuss.

As followers of Jesus, we are tempted to downplay the severity of rejecting Jesus and refusing to repent. Why do we do this? Read 1 Peter 3:13-16 – discuss what it looks like to faithfully share what is true, yet in the manner described in verse 16.

Read Luke 10:17-20. According to Jesus, and according to the 72, how far does our authority in Christ extend? And according to verse 20, what is the danger that every believer in Jesus should be aware of as they serve Jesus in the power of His authority?

Read 2 Timothy 1:7-9. According to this passage, what is the truth that overcomes our fear and lack of confidence? This certainly applies to sharing our faith like the 72 did – what are some fears you struggle with today, and how does this truth help you overcome them?

Taking it Home:
This week, pray for an opportunity to share the Gospel with a loved one who has yet to repent. Seek to be obedient to Christ and trust God to work through His power in their life.

Choosing a Satisfied Life

Getting to Know You:

Share your High (best part) and Low (worst part) of this past week with the group.

Going Deeper: 

As humans, we are body, soul and spirit – which of these areas of your life would you say is the healthiest right now? Which one is not as healthy as the others?

Read Psalm 1:1-3 – these verses give us some principles that guide us towards being satisfied in our body, soul and spirit.

  • Verse 1 – Set healthy boundaries. This can apply to relationships, habits, work, rest, any and every area of our lives. What are some healthy boundaries that you currently have that you are thankful for? What are some things you may need to remove from your life, areas where you have yet to set boundaries?
  • Verse 2a – Delight in the right things. What is one thing you take pleasure in that is good and healthy? What is one thing you enjoy that you may need to get rid of? Read Philippians 4:8-9 for guidelines on what is right and good.
  • Verse 2b – Protect your mind. Read Colossians 3:1-3. Allan stated that we act in negative ways because our thought processes are not right. According to this passage, how do we change our minds?
  • Verse 3 – Plant yourself for nourishment. Allan pointed out that many of our struggles are not from poor mental health, but from negative things we allow into our hearts and minds that decay us. What negative influence have you allowed into your life in the past, and how did your life change for the better when you removed it?

Read Psalm 1:4-6. According to this passage, what benefits will we experience for applying the ‘principles of the satisfied life’ from verses 1-3?

Taking it Home: This week, read and meditate on Philippians 4:4-9. Choose to repent of and remove things that are unhealthy, and add things that lead to the promised satisfied life.

It’s Harvest Time!

Getting to Know You: 

  • What’s your favourite farm animal and why? 

Going Deeper: 

  • Look up John 1:29-34.  What did John do in these verses to point people to Jesus?
    • How can you and I help prepare the way for Jesus in other’s lives? 
  • Look up Romans 10:8-17. 
    • How does one come to put their faith in Jesus? 
    • What’s necessary according to vs.14-15 for that to happen? 
    • How might we ensure we have beautiful feet? 
  • When Jesus tells us the laborers are few and to pray about that, what is he asking us to pray? 
  • Luke 10:4-6 talk about living at peace even when others are against you.
    • Discuss how its possible to live at peace with those antagonistic towards the gospel.  Use John 14:27, Rom.15:13 and Eph.2:17 to help you answer. 
  • Look up Hebrews 13:5 and 1 Tim.6:6-10 and discuss how being content can help our witness and conversely how not being content can harm it. 
  • What does it mean when the bible declares food clean?  Look up Mark 7:19, Rom.14:20-23, Acts 10:9-16, 34-35.

Taking it Home: 

  • Spend some time this week crafting your testi-mini and bring it next week to share with the group.

The cost of following Jesus

Getting to Know You:

What’s one area of inflation that you’re really feeling at the moment?

Going Deeper:
What was/is the hardest thing you had to give up to follow Jesus?

Why does Jesus call us to count the cost? Read Luke 14:25-33 to assist your answer.
– What does Jesus mean by hating your family in these verses?
– How might we renounce all we have to be a disciple?

The path Jesus was on led to his death. How might we prepare ourselves to be on a similar road? Read John 15:18-27.
– How should we treat the displaced in our community knowing Jesus was also homeless—vs.58?
– Jesus relied on the kindness of strangers and hospitality. How might we show more hospitality as individuals and as a church?

Read Matt.28:18-20. How might we make sharing the gospel a priority in our everyday
– If these are commands Jesus gives us, how should we approach making disciples?

It’s easy to get off track. How might we continue to keep our eyes on the prize according to Heb.12:1-3 and run the race well according to 2 Tim.4:7-8?

Taking it Home:- Pray this week that God would help you
keep your eyes on the Christ!

Who’s On Your Team?

Getting to Know You:

 • Would you rather watch a good movie or read a good novel? 

Going Deeper: 

• The bible calls believers family and a body. Read the following verses and discuss how we should be like a family and body. 1 John 3:1-2, Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Tim. 5:1-3 

• How might we do good to the family of believers according to Gal.6:10?

• Discuss some of the “one another” commands and how you might practice those within community. 

• Discuss this statement: Any where God’s power is at work should be celebrated. 

• Look up Rev.7:9. What’s the significance of all nations worshipping God? 

-How might we make that happen as individuals? In our church? 

• What does it mean that Jesus is the head of the church? Look up these verses to answer… Col. 1:18, Eph. 5:23-25. 

• Read John 15:18-25 and discuss why the world hates Jesus and his followers. 

-How should we respond according to Rom. 12:17-21? 

Taking it Home: 

• Ask God to guard your responses this week. Be slow to anger and slow to speak and quick to listen.   

Who Is The Greatest?

Getting to Know You: 

• What’s the dirtiest job you’ve ever had to do? 

• Who is the GOAT in your opinion in your favourite sport? 

Going Deeper: 

• What shocks you the most/most surprising about the upside-down kingdom that Jesus calls us to? 

• Look up Matt. 18:1-5. How is becoming like a child related to entering the kingdom of heaven? 

o Why does Jesus use a child to illustrate this to his disciples considering the question they were asking?

• Look up the following verses about God knowing our hearts. 1 Sam. 16:7, Prov. 21:2, Ps. 44:21.

o Does this encourage you or frighten you more? 

o Knowing this reality, how might this affect the way we think, speak and act? 

• Jeremiah 17:9-10 talks about our hearts being desperately wicked. Is this speaking about the unbeliever or believer? Why or why not? Give evidence to support your position. 

o How does the Holy Spirit affect our hearts according to John 16:8-13, Romans 8:26.

o Why should we listen to God’s Word rather than listen to our hearts? 

• Read Phil. 2:1-11. 

o How did Jesus humble himself? Name some examples from his ministry. 

o How might we humble ourselves? 

Taking it Home: 

• Make a list of ways you can serve your family, your church and a neighbour…and then do it!   

Living the Resurrection

Getting to Know you: 

• What Easter traditions do you have as a family? 

Going Deeper: 

• Read Matt. 28:11-15. 

– What did the religious leaders affirm in these verses? 

– What excuse did they attempt to create? 

– What’s an easy way to refute this? 

• Read Luke 24:1-12. 

– What makes Luke’s inclusion of women in these verses unique? 

– What was the initial response of the disciples? 

• Look up 1 Cor. 15. Why do we need to be reminded of the gospel even as believers? 

– What does it mean to preach the gospel to ourselves? 

– How might we hold fast and stand on the gospel? What does it look like to do that? 

• What are some good things that can take 1st place in our lives? 

– What 2 ways can we re-order our lives to get Jesus back to 1st place according to Revelation 2:1-7? How can we do that? 

• Read John 21:15-18. What was Jesus doing in these verses? 

• Discuss the changes the resurrection brought to Peter, James and John. What did it change them from and what did it change them into? 

– How can this encourage us? 

Taking it Home: 

• Ask God to change your focus, re-order your priorities or change your life this week.  

Giving – The Lost Blessing

Getting to Know You:

Share an example of a time when someone gave generously to you, and how that impacted you.

Going Deeper: 

Read Acts 20:35.

  • Discuss the different ‘financial worldviews’ you see around you – yours, your friends’, your co-worker’s, etc.

Read Exodus 25:2,8, 36:3-7; 1 Chronicles 29:3,6,9,11-12.

  • Have you ever been bitten by the generosity bug, maybe even surprised yourself at how much you gave? Share how that felt. What power does generosity have in our lives, and how does it impact us?
  • Look again at 1 Chronicles 29:11-12. How is generosity a form of worship? Like other forms of worship, it is not limited to just Sunday mornings at church but is meant to be how we live each day. What is one practical way you can practice generosity as a form of worship that you are not already doing?

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-9.

  • What are the promises we are given in this passage?
  • Look again at verse 7. Name some of the ways you feel compelled to give. What is the genuine need that is present in each of those situations? Perhaps you won’t give in that situation (and there is nothing wrong with that), but if you do, what steps can you take to make sure that you give in a spirit of generosity?

Taking it Home: 

Ask God to put an opportunity in your path this week to give financially that is above and beyond how you currently give. Trust Him and give cheerfully!

Judge Not

Getting to Know You:

In seeking to balance truth and love, which ‘side’ are you more drawn to naturally? How does this impact your relationships?

Going Deeper: 

Read Matthew 7:1-6

  • What is Jesus’ concern in this passage? What is He warning His audience (and us) about?
  • Share of a time when you experienced someone judging you hypocritically.
  • Have you ever been that person? Share of a time when you were convicted of hypocrisy.
  • Look again at verse 6 – what is the real danger and damage that Jesus warns against?

Read Luke 18:9-14

  • Consider the examples of both men. What is Jesus saying about self-righteousness?
  • When we judge others self-righteously, what are we saying about God? What are we saying about ourselves? What are we saying about others?
  • Read Luke 18:18-19. In his response to the rich young ruler, Jesus makes a subtle but important point – what is it? And how does it help us in our relationships with others?

Read Galatians 6:1-10

  • In this passage are several principles that apply to believers in Jesus in the areas of confronting sin, guarding our hearts, life in the Spirit and spiritual perseverance. Share them and discuss:
    • How does this impact my relationship with God?
    • How does this affect my relationship with others?
    • What is God’s desire for me? For others?

Taking it Home: 

Memorize 1 Corinthians 13:1; humble yourself before God each day and pray that His love be what people receive from you