Getting to Know You:
Share a story or experience of not being treated fairly, whether recent or from childhood.
Going Deeper:
– What are some things that you have heard “said” by others as though true, but differ from what is actually written in the Bible? Read Matthew 5:43-45
– What are some things that you have heard “said” by others as though true, but differ from what is actually written in the Bible? – How would you describe the word ‘enemy’?
– If you would like to, share with the group a story or experience in loving and/or forgiving an enemy.
– Alternatively, have you ever come to the realization that you were in fact ‘the enemy’ that was being loved by someone else? If so, how did you notice and how did it make you feel? Read Luke 9:52-56, then Matthew 5:46-47
– Can you relate to James and John at all? If you’re willing, share with the group a story or experience in wishing harm for your enemy.
– How would you define the sort of love that ‘Agape’ is? Consider the example of Jesus: read John 13:1-5 and Philippians 2:1-4.
– Are there any ways in which your love for others is selfish and conditional? Confess them together and pray for one another, asking God for a heart like His.
Taking it Home:
What enemies could you pray for today?