The Good Samaritan
Getting to Know you:
• Talk about a neighbour war you’ve experienced. How did you handle it? Did it get resolved and how?
Going Deeper:
• What does Matt. 4:7 and Deut.6:16 tell us about putting God to the test? Why did the lawyer put Jesus to the test?
o What’s the only place we can test God according to Malachi 3:10. What is this verse encouraging us to do?
• Read Luke 10:25. Why do so many people default to “doing” to gain entrance into God’s kingdom?
o What are some ways Christians attempt to live by works after salvation?
o What does Jesus mean when he says, “do this and live”? Does it mean we can earn our salvation?
• Discuss the beauty of the mercy of God according to the following verses: 1 Peter 1:3, Exodus 34:6, Lam. 3:22-23, Eph. 2:4-5, Matt. 5:7
• Read Luke 10:29. Why does the lawyer want to justify himself?
o How do we attempt to justify ourselves in our everyday lives?
o How do we attempt to justify ourselves before God?
o What does Luke 16:14-15 tell us about justifying ourselves?
• What did the Samaritan do that points us to Jesus?
Taking it Home:
• Jesus commands us to show mercy and compassion to others. What’s one way you’re going to plan to show mercy this week?