How To Have Faith That Saves

Getting to Know You: 

  • Talk about something exciting, scary or crazy that happened to you over the summer months.

Going Deeper: 

  • Talk about how God’s choosing/election and our response/faith/choice go hand in hand from what you’ve learned from Romans 9-10. 
  • What’s some ways people misunderstand faith and what is necessary to have saving faith?  How might you address that with family/friends who have that misunderstanding? 
  • Discuss the following.  “Saving faith is a one time decision that leads to a lifetime commitment.”

    • Read Gal.2:20 to help inform your answer.

  • Share your testimony of coming to faith in Jesus and how God used other people in the process.
  • In Romans 10:15 Paul reminds us that we are all preachers.  Read Matt.28:18-20, Eph.6:18-20 and 2 Cor.5:18-21 to find out how we can equip ourselves for this task. 
  • Discuss the following:  It’s not our job to save people, that’s God’s job.  What is our job according to 1 Cor.3:5-9?

    • How should we seek to cultivate the fields that are ripe?

  • Beside God’s Word, what other things speak the gospel according to Ps.19:1-6, Rom.2:14-15

Taking it Home: 

  • Pray one of the following verses each day this week asking God to increase your faith.  Mark 9:24, Prov.3:5-6, Ps.31:24, Ps.62:6, Isa.41:10, 1 Peter 5:7