Who’s On Your Team?

Getting to Know You:

 • Would you rather watch a good movie or read a good novel? 

Going Deeper: 

• The bible calls believers family and a body. Read the following verses and discuss how we should be like a family and body. 1 John 3:1-2, Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Tim. 5:1-3 

• How might we do good to the family of believers according to Gal.6:10?

• Discuss some of the “one another” commands and how you might practice those within community. 

• Discuss this statement: Any where God’s power is at work should be celebrated. 

• Look up Rev.7:9. What’s the significance of all nations worshipping God? 

-How might we make that happen as individuals? In our church? 

• What does it mean that Jesus is the head of the church? Look up these verses to answer… Col. 1:18, Eph. 5:23-25. 

• Read John 15:18-25 and discuss why the world hates Jesus and his followers. 

-How should we respond according to Rom. 12:17-21? 

Taking it Home: 

• Ask God to guard your responses this week. Be slow to anger and slow to speak and quick to listen.