Getting to Know You:
• What’s the dirtiest job you’ve ever had to do?
• Who is the GOAT in your opinion in your favourite sport?
Going Deeper:
• What shocks you the most/most surprising about the upside-down kingdom that Jesus calls us to?
• Look up Matt. 18:1-5. How is becoming like a child related to entering the kingdom of heaven?
o Why does Jesus use a child to illustrate this to his disciples considering the question they were asking?
• Look up the following verses about God knowing our hearts. 1 Sam. 16:7, Prov. 21:2, Ps. 44:21.
o Does this encourage you or frighten you more?
o Knowing this reality, how might this affect the way we think, speak and act?
• Jeremiah 17:9-10 talks about our hearts being desperately wicked. Is this speaking about the unbeliever or believer? Why or why not? Give evidence to support your position.
o How does the Holy Spirit affect our hearts according to John 16:8-13, Romans 8:26.
o Why should we listen to God’s Word rather than listen to our hearts?
• Read Phil. 2:1-11.
o How did Jesus humble himself? Name some examples from his ministry.
o How might we humble ourselves?
Taking it Home:
• Make a list of ways you can serve your family, your church and a neighbour…and then do it!