What does the Bible Say about Euthanasia?

Getting to Know you:
• Take a few moments to list some specific blessings that you’re thankful to God for.

Going Deeper:
• Look up Phil.3:10-11. Discuss what Paul wants to know in these verses.
o What do sufferings allow us to know and experience according to Paul.
o What is the connection to suffering and our resurrection?
• In Romans 5:1-5 and James 1:3-4 there’s a clear sequence of events that stat with suffering. Map out the sequence and discuss each of the steps that suffering brings.
• How would you talk with a fellow believer who’s considering MAID? What about a family member or friend who doesn’t know Jesus?
• Look up the following verses that describe people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. What did they
experience and how did God help them through it? Ecc.2:17, 1 Kings 19:1-8, Jonah 4:8-11, Ps.43, 2 Cor.1:8-9
• How would you answer someone who thinks suicide is an unforgiveable sin? The Catholic church teaches it’s a mortal sin deserving of hell. See Matt.12:31-32 and John 10:28-29, Heb.13:5, Eph.1:13-14.
• Discuss this quote from John Piper “you are immortal until God’s purpose for you is complete.” See Acts 13:36.

Taking it Home:
• Think about how you might encourage someone this week. Write a note, send an email, make a phone call. Encourage one another, even more as we see the day approaching. Heb. 10:25
