The Trumpet Calls Again

Getting to Know You: 

What part of heaven do you look forward to the most, and why?

Going Deeper: 

Read 2 Peter 3.

  • From verses 1-13, list the characteristics of the Day of Judgment. Compare with Revelation 20:7-15.
  • According to 2 Peter 3, what aspects of God’s character are revealed in light of the Day of Judgment? And how does this impact each of our lives today? Compare with Joel 2:12-14.
    • What are some ways that we “rend our garments” and not our hearts? What does it mean to truly repent?
  • Peter gives many exhortations for how believers in Jesus are to live as the Day of Judgment approaches – which one challenges you, and why? How can you act on it this week?

Read Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6; compare with Revelation 9:4-5, 11.

  • According to these verses, what does Satan want to do? To what extent is he successful?
  • If God is in control at all times, why does He allow suffering? Consult Romans 8:18-28 and James 1:2-4 as part of your answer.

Take Home: 

Put Psalm 139:23-24 somewhere you will see it this week – on a sticky note, a whiteboard, your phone’s background, etc. Meditate on it, and repent of any sin that God reveals to you.
