The Great Commission

Getting to Know You:
To what extent does sharing the Gospel with others fit into your everyday life? Does it come naturally, or do you find it difficult to do?

Going Deeper:
Bechara Karkafi’s message was rooted in the Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:16-20. Read this passage together.

– What does Jesus mean by telling his disciples to “Go”? How are we to act on this command today? Consider 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 and what it means to the world around us that we are followers of Jesus.

– Read Romans 10:14-17. Though most (if not all) of us are not career missionaries, how does this passage apply to us? What stops us from living in all ways as those sent by God?

– What is the difference between ‘making a disciple’ and ‘making a convert’? What does Jesus want to see occur as a result of his followers (us) discipling others?
o Read 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 and Philippians 1:9-11 – What do these passages teach us about what it means to disciple others?

– Read Luke 9:23-26 and 1 John 1:5-2:6. Why is obedience to Christ central to discipleship? And how do we avoid legalism even as we learn (and teach others) to obey Jesus?

– Read Matthew 28:20b one more time
– What difference does (should) it make that Jesus is always with us? In what ways do you live as though he is not? And how, practically, might you begin to change this?

Taking it Home:
Ask God for an opportunity to step out in courage and share the Gospel with someone this week.
