The cost of following Jesus

Getting to Know You:

What’s one area of inflation that you’re really feeling at the moment?

Going Deeper:
What was/is the hardest thing you had to give up to follow Jesus?

Why does Jesus call us to count the cost? Read Luke 14:25-33 to assist your answer.
– What does Jesus mean by hating your family in these verses?
– How might we renounce all we have to be a disciple?

The path Jesus was on led to his death. How might we prepare ourselves to be on a similar road? Read John 15:18-27.
– How should we treat the displaced in our community knowing Jesus was also homeless—vs.58?
– Jesus relied on the kindness of strangers and hospitality. How might we show more hospitality as individuals and as a church?

Read Matt.28:18-20. How might we make sharing the gospel a priority in our everyday
– If these are commands Jesus gives us, how should we approach making disciples?

It’s easy to get off track. How might we continue to keep our eyes on the prize according to Heb.12:1-3 and run the race well according to 2 Tim.4:7-8?

Taking it Home:- Pray this week that God would help you
keep your eyes on the Christ!
