Getting to Know You:
Share with the group one of your biggest strengths and one of your biggest weaknesses.
Going Deeper:
Read Ephesians 4:7-16 together.
– Consider the spiritual gifts mentioned in verse 11, as well as 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Which of these gifts do you see most strongly in your life? Why?
– How do these 5 gifts specifically help “equip the saints” and “build up the body of Christ” unto spiritual maturity?
– Look again at verse 14 – Do you know anyone who has fallen for false doctrine? What is the danger you see for their faith and life? What could have prevented them from getting swept away by false doctrine?
Read Ephesians 5:15-21 together.
– Consider the truth that while only a few believers will be Pastors and Teachers, most believers will still teach others through the influence and example of their everyday lives.
– How is this truth evidenced in this passage? Specifically how do our everyday lives influence others and grow the Body of Christ? Refer to Colossians 4:6 as well.
– This passage clearly advocates for believers meeting together, however teaching one another through discipleship requires intentionality. What are some examples of barriers that prevent us from being intentional in our relationships with others? And how can these barriers be overcome?
Read Hebrews 12:3-13 together.
– What does discipline have to do with growing to spiritual maturity?
– What does discipline teach us about God? About ourselves? How should we respond?
Taking it Home:
Ask God to help you be intentional this week about using your everyday interactions with others for His glory.