Seeing Jesus for Who He Is

Getting to Know You: 

• Share with the group something that as a child you believed wholeheartedly to be true but was actually false. 

Going Deeper:

• Why do you think children have such a sincere faith? What is it about them that Jesus wants us to emulate? Luke 18:15-17 

• Why does our world think Jesus and His Kingdom are foolish? Think especially of our society now. Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. 

o What are some of the temptations we Christians will face while following Jesus and belonging to His ‘upside-down’ kingdom? Think of your life and experience in following Jesus, and the lives of other believers you know. 

• Read Matthew 5:3-10. What are some “foolish” things about Jesus and His kingdom that you find difficult to accept? 

o On the other hand, which “foolish” things have blessed your life, that you are grateful you have received in Christ? 

• Humility is the key ingredient to having childlike faith. Read Proverbs 3:33-35, and then James 4:6-7, 10 and 1 Peter 5:5b-7. 

o What are some of the everyday ways that pride shows up in our lives? In your life?

o What does the process of humbling yourself look like for you? And what is the role of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word in that process? Read Romans 12:1-2 to help you answer. 

Taking it Home: 

This week, choose one of your questions or doubts and bring it to God; seek Him in prayer and His Word and trust Him with childlike faith.
