Living the Resurrection

Getting to Know you: 

• What Easter traditions do you have as a family? 

Going Deeper: 

• Read Matt. 28:11-15. 

– What did the religious leaders affirm in these verses? 

– What excuse did they attempt to create? 

– What’s an easy way to refute this? 

• Read Luke 24:1-12. 

– What makes Luke’s inclusion of women in these verses unique? 

– What was the initial response of the disciples? 

• Look up 1 Cor. 15. Why do we need to be reminded of the gospel even as believers? 

– What does it mean to preach the gospel to ourselves? 

– How might we hold fast and stand on the gospel? What does it look like to do that? 

• What are some good things that can take 1st place in our lives? 

– What 2 ways can we re-order our lives to get Jesus back to 1st place according to Revelation 2:1-7? How can we do that? 

• Read John 21:15-18. What was Jesus doing in these verses? 

• Discuss the changes the resurrection brought to Peter, James and John. What did it change them from and what did it change them into? 

– How can this encourage us? 

Taking it Home: 

• Ask God to change your focus, re-order your priorities or change your life this week.  
