Getting to Know You:
In seeking to balance truth and love, which ‘side’ are you more drawn to naturally? How does this impact your relationships?
Going Deeper:
Read Matthew 7:1-6
- What is Jesus’ concern in this passage? What is He warning His audience (and us) about?
- Share of a time when you experienced someone judging you hypocritically.
- Have you ever been that person? Share of a time when you were convicted of hypocrisy.
- Look again at verse 6 – what is the real danger and damage that Jesus warns against?
Read Luke 18:9-14
- Consider the examples of both men. What is Jesus saying about self-righteousness?
- When we judge others self-righteously, what are we saying about God? What are we saying about ourselves? What are we saying about others?
- Read Luke 18:18-19. In his response to the rich young ruler, Jesus makes a subtle but important point – what is it? And how does it help us in our relationships with others?
Read Galatians 6:1-10
- In this passage are several principles that apply to believers in Jesus in the areas of confronting sin, guarding our hearts, life in the Spirit and spiritual perseverance. Share them and discuss:
- How does this impact my relationship with God?
- How does this affect my relationship with others?
- What is God’s desire for me? For others?
Taking it Home:
Memorize 1 Corinthians 13:1; humble yourself before God each day and pray that His love be what people receive from you