Getting to Know you:
- Talk about something you had to wait for
this week that frustrated you. - What’s something you were looking
forward to (waiting for) that delivered on its
expectations? Name something that didn’t
deliver on its expectations.
Going Deeper
- Read Rev. 1:1-3 and Rev. 22:7, 12, 20. Why does John begin and end his book with the same theme? Why is the return of Jesus repeated so often?
- Read the parable of the 10 virgins in Matt. 25.
o What’s the difference between the wise and foolish men?
o What’s the result for those who weren’t prepared? - Why does the bible so often liken the second coming to a thief? Read Matt.24:36-51 to answer this.
o What does it mean for us to be ready for the return of Jesus in these verses? - Revelation 22:12 tells us that Jesus will repay each one for what he has done. What is this referring to? Look up 2 Cor. 5:10 and 1 Cor. 3:10-15 about what this will look like for believers.
- Why are the warnings for altering God’s Word so severe in Rev. 22:18-19
Going Deeper
Evaluate which of the 5 ways to wait well PK spoke about on Sunday that you need to put into practice the most. Ask someone to help hold you accountable and ask God for the strength to enact it.