It’s Harvest Time!

Getting to Know You: 

  • What’s your favourite farm animal and why? 

Going Deeper: 

  • Look up John 1:29-34.  What did John do in these verses to point people to Jesus?
    • How can you and I help prepare the way for Jesus in other’s lives? 
  • Look up Romans 10:8-17. 
    • How does one come to put their faith in Jesus? 
    • What’s necessary according to vs.14-15 for that to happen? 
    • How might we ensure we have beautiful feet? 
  • When Jesus tells us the laborers are few and to pray about that, what is he asking us to pray? 
  • Luke 10:4-6 talk about living at peace even when others are against you.
    • Discuss how its possible to live at peace with those antagonistic towards the gospel.  Use John 14:27, Rom.15:13 and Eph.2:17 to help you answer. 
  • Look up Hebrews 13:5 and 1 Tim.6:6-10 and discuss how being content can help our witness and conversely how not being content can harm it. 
  • What does it mean when the bible declares food clean?  Look up Mark 7:19, Rom.14:20-23, Acts 10:9-16, 34-35.

Taking it Home: 

  • Spend some time this week crafting your testi-mini and bring it next week to share with the group.