I Never Knew You

Getting to Know You: 

• Would you rather get to know a stranger, or get to know someone you already know a little bit better? 

Going Deeper: 

• Read Matt 7:15-27 and make note of the contrasts Jesus makes in his teaching. 

   o How does this inform the way we view verses 21-23? 

   o How does verses 24-27 inform vs.21- 23? 

• Do you believe these verses describe a false profession of faith, or a loss of salvation? Why or why not? 

   o Look up Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23 the Parable of the Sower… how does Jesus describe the soils? 

• What should we do to determine God’s Will? 

   o Ask for it—Psalm 143:10 

   o Be spiritually transformed by the Word—Rom. 12:1-2 

   o Read these verses about God’s Will…1 Pet. 2:15-16, 1 Thess. 4:3-7, 1 Thess. 5:16-18 

• How should we define the spiritual gift of prophecy? As foretelling the future or forthtelling truth?

   o Read Rom. 12:6, 1 Cor. 14:1-5, 38, 1 Peter 4:10-12 and discuss the gift of prophecy…how does this gift manifest itself today? 

   o How do we know God still heals today? Does the gift of healing still exist today? How do you know this? 

• Read Matt. 7:23–How can we ensure we know Jesus intimately and he knows us??? 

Taking it Home: 

• How might we evaluate our lives to ensure we’re doing God’s will and our actions back up our words?   
