I am Resurrection and Life

Getting to Know You: 

  • What’s one fantastic claim you can make that people may or may not believe?

Going Deeper: 

  • In John 11:17-23 Martha appears disappointed with Jesus.  Is it ok to feel this way towards God?  Why or why not? 
  • What is the reason Jesus gave for allowing Lazarus to die in vs.4? 
    • How did the glory of God get shown in this case? 
    • How might we evidence the glory of God in both our life and our death? 
  • What proof did John give of Lazarus’s resurrection in chapter 12:1-11?
    • Why is evidence important to back up scripture and the claims of Jesus? 
  • In John 11:25-26 Jesus makes it clear that anyone who believes in me will never die.  What other verses come to mind that state something similar?
    • Why is the availability to all such an important aspect of the gospel? 
  • Read John 11:33-37.  What do you notice about Jesus’ response to Lazarus’ death?  What does this tell us about the character of God? 

Taking it Home: 

  • Consider what it means to live the resurrection out everyday. 
    • How might you follow Jesus every day and live like He is your King? 
    • Worship Jesus daily and give him thanks
    • Look forward to the return of Jesus