Getting to Know You:
Share with the group a memorable time (good or bad) when you stepped out of your comfort zone and took leadership of a situation.
Going Deeper:
Tim Strickland opened his message with this statement: “God’s pattern in the Bible is to call and empower leaders to lead His people in His work”. Share together examples of such people from the Bible. Then, share an example of a time this happened to you, or to someone close to you.
Read Romans 12:3-8. What does this passage teach us about God’s people, the Church?
Is leadership limited just to “leading with diligence [zeal]”, or is it expressed in the other gifts that Paul lists in this passage?
What fears do we have that limit us from leading (however that may look)? Read each of the following passages and discuss what each says about God (who He is) and what that means for taking leadership in our lives:
-Galatians 1:10
-Joshua 1:7-9
-Actus 4:13
-1 Timothy 3:1
-Galatians 6:9
-Judges 5:9
Read Mark 9:33-37. What does it mean to be a “servant of all”? And why is it essential for leadership?
As followers of Jesus, how do we grow in servanthood? Note: there is no easy/fast way to do this, so consider: How does this process begin and then continue?
Taking it Home:
Discuss practical ways you might take initiative as a servant leader this week. Consider what this would look like in marriage, with family, at work, at church, etc.