Getting to Know You:
• What dish is best served hot and cold in your opinion?
Going Deeper:
• Based on the lukewarm characteristics on the sermon notes, where would you place yourself on the Hot, Lukewarm, cold scale in your spiritual walk right now?
– What might you implement in your life to get out of lukewarm?
• Read Revelation 3:14-22.
• Verse 14 describes Jesus as the beginning of God’s Creation. At first glance it appears John is claiming Jesus is a created being. How would you answer someone claiming that? Look up the following verses and discuss each person of the Trinity’s work in creation. Col. 1:15-18, John 1:1, Gen. 1:1-2, Psalm 33:6
• Rev. 3:19 talks about the necessity of discipline in getting out of lukewarmness. Look up the following verses and discuss why God disciplines us. Heb. 12:7-11, Prov. 3:12, Ps. 94:12-15, Job 5:17-18.
• Rev. 3:16-17 it seems the church is disagreeing with Jesus. What do we often disagree with Jesus about and how can we ensure we don’t argue but instead agree?
• Rev. 3:19 calls us to have zeal. What does zeal mean and how can we implement it in our lives?
Take Home:
• Implement one are of obedience in your life this week that you have been slack in.
• Spend some extra time in the Word this week. Wake up earlier, go to bed later, listen to it in the car or while you get ready for work. Let God’s Word discipline you out of lukewarm.