The Beginning of the End

Getting to Know You:
• Describe a time in your life that was particularly chaotic for you. What helped you survive that situation?

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 6.

• Notice the martyrs in verses 9-11.
– Where are they located and why is that significant?
– Why were they killed? What then should we be willing to die for as followers of Jesus?
– Read 1 Peter 4:12-19 and John 15:18-25. What are the reasons believers are persecuted in these verses?
– How might we prepare ourselves for coming persecution?
– What do the martyrs ask for in vs.10? Does this seem appropriate in your mind? Why or why not? How does this compare to imprecatory psalms such as Psalm 79:6-7. How might Romans 12:19 play into this?

• Look up Zechariah 6:1-6. Note the similarities between these verses and Rev. 6:1-8. Even in the middle of all this chaos, Jesus is in control. What comfort does this bring you now and for times?

• How and why do all the most powerful people in our world respond the way they do in Rev. 6:15-16?
– Why do they want to die instead of facing God’s wrath?
– What does this tell us about the nature of God’s wrath? Look up the following verses to help you answer: John 3:36, Nahum 1:2-6, Romans 2:5.

Take it Home:
• Memorize and meditate on Psalm 56:3-4. Be prepared to recite it at community group next week!

Worthy is the Lamb

Getting to Know You:
• What’s your favourite style (s) of music and why?
• What do you most appreciate about worshiping God together at church?

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 4-5 together. What are the similarities between Revelation 4 and 5, particularly when it comes to God the Father and the Lamb?

• Where is the Lamb located in Revelation 5:6-8.
– What is the significance of the Lamb’s location?
– Is the Lamb on the throne in these verses?
– Why is the Lamb not enthroned until Rev. 22:1-4?

• Look up the reasons Jesus is counted worthy in Revelation 5:9-10.

• What is the significance of music now on earth, now in the church, and in the future in heaven.

• What are you most looking forward to when it comes to our eternal home?

• Look up Psalm 148 and discuss the significance of all of creation giving praise to God.

Taking it Home:
• Spend some quiet time alone with God this week. Unplug from your devices and get away from work, noise and even family if necessary. Go for a walk and enjoy time in God’s creation.

A Peak Into The Throne Room

Getting to Know You:
• When were you the most scared you have ever been and why?

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 4 and answer the following questions:
– Some people insist that Revelation 4:1 is speaking about the Rapture. What indications in the text prove otherwise?
– Look up the following instances in Revelation where “lighting and thunder” exist. What’s does the thunder represent? Rev. 8:5, 10:1-4, 11:19, 16:18.
– According to Rev. 4:8-11, what is the purpose of all creation? How might we worship God in our daily lives?

• Watch the Bible Project Spiritual Beings Series Videos 1, 3 and 4 (15min approx.) at the or and discuss the role of Angels and the divine council.
– What lessons might we learn from the angels and divine council?
– What makes humanity distinct from spirit beings?

Take It Home:
• As a family, make a list of reasons God is worthy of worship and post it on Firstb’ers.
• Watch the rest of the Bible Project Spirit Beings Videos.
• Read Ezekiel 1.

Avoid Being Lukewarm

Getting to Know You:
• What dish is best served hot and cold in your opinion?

Going Deeper:
• Based on the lukewarm characteristics on the sermon notes, where would you place yourself on the Hot, Lukewarm, cold scale in your spiritual walk right now?
– What might you implement in your life to get out of lukewarm?
• Read Revelation 3:14-22.
• Verse 14 describes Jesus as the beginning of God’s Creation. At first glance it appears John is claiming Jesus is a created being. How would you answer someone claiming that? Look up the following verses and discuss each person of the Trinity’s work in creation. Col. 1:15-18, John 1:1, Gen. 1:1-2, Psalm 33:6
• Rev. 3:19 talks about the necessity of discipline in getting out of lukewarmness. Look up the following verses and discuss why God disciplines us. Heb. 12:7-11, Prov. 3:12, Ps. 94:12-15, Job 5:17-18.
• Rev. 3:16-17 it seems the church is disagreeing with Jesus. What do we often disagree with Jesus about and how can we ensure we don’t argue but instead agree?
• Rev. 3:19 calls us to have zeal. What does zeal mean and how can we implement it in our lives?

Take Home:
• Implement one are of obedience in your life this week that you have been slack in.
• Spend some extra time in the Word this week. Wake up earlier, go to bed later, listen to it in the car or while you get ready for work. Let God’s Word discipline you out of lukewarm.

Mind Over Manner

Getting to Know You:
– Share your favorite joke with the rest of the group!

Going Deeper:
Allan shared the statistic that 1 in 3 Canadians suffer from mental health struggles. How have you seen mental health struggles impact a person’s life, whether that is you or a loved one close to you?

Read Romans 12:1-3

– Knowing that we have mental health struggles, illnesses, physical disabilities etc., what does it mean to “offer [our] bodies as a living sacrifice” as an act of worship? What are some examples of how we can practically do this? Compare with 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Romans 8:18-27.
– Look again at Romans 12:2. Allan made this point: “When my mind is healthy, I will be able to deal with struggles that life throws my way.” What is “the renewing of [our] mind”, and how practically does this take place? Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Proverbs 4:20-23, and Philippians 4:4-8.
– Read Colossians 3:1-17. From this passage, how do we, followers of Jesus, practically live out our identity in Him? Also, what are some of the specific commands listed here for how we are to relate to one another, and how can we practically apply them as we support one another through mental health struggles?

Taking it Home:
This week, take one practical step towards “renewing your mind” – modify your entertainment (replace music/tv shows/etc. that do not meet the standard of Phil. 4:8, with ones that do), add exercise to your daily routine, etc.

Avoid A Weak Finish

Getting to Know You:
• What’s the longest distance you’ve ever run?
• What do you find helps you finish well in the race of life?

Going Deeper:
• Jesus is the Holy One. Look up the following verses that describe Holiness and come up with a working definition of what holiness is all about and why we need it. (Exodus 15:11, Isaiah 6:3, 1 Sam. 2:2, Heb. 12:14, Rom. 6:22, 1 Peter 1:15- 16.)

• Following Jesus is often compared to a race. Look up the following verses that talk about this and discuss what’s needed to run the race and finish strong. (Heb. 12:1-3, 2 Tim. 4:7-8, Isaiah 40:28-31, 1 Cor. 9:24-27, Gal. 5:7-12).

• Revelation 3:10 seems to indicate that Jesus will keep his church from the coming tribulation.
– What’s the condition that Jesus gives for this protection?
– Look up 1 Thess. 4:13-18 and 1 Cor. 15:50-54 and discuss the rapture event.
– Watch of the church video.

• Discuss the New Jerusalem mentioned in Rev.3:12. You can read more about it in Rev.21:9-27.
– What is the new Jerusalem? Where will it be located? What size will it be? Why will it need gates? Why won’t it need a temple?

• Look up the following verses that speak about open doors. What do they all point to? (1 Cor.16:9, Col.4:3, 2 Cor.2:12, Acts 14:27)

Taking it Home:
• Spend time this week praying for an unsaved friend or family member by name every day.

• Ask God for an open door for the gospel and for the boldness to walk through that door and share the gospel with them.

Avoid Being a Lifeless Church

Getting to Know You:
• Would you rather sleep in or go to bed early?

Going Deeper:
• How can we practically be alert and watching according to the following verses? Matt. 26:38- 41; Romans 13:11-14; 1 Cor. 16:13-14
• What are some of the specific things we should be watching out for and how can we put that into practice in our church? 1 Peter 5:8-9, Acts 20:29-31; Matt. 24:36-44
• Discuss the statement “a church that is truly alive will always be under attack.” What makes this statement true? Where can we expect attacks from? What can be done to protect our church family from attacks?
• Look up the following verses on encouragement. How might we encourage one another especially in strengthening our weak points? 1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 10:23-25, Eph. 4:29- 32, Gal. 6:1-2, James 5:16
• Pastor Kevin talked about preaching the gospel to ourselves on Sunday. What does this mean? How might we apply that in an everyday situation?
• Make note of the promises for a lifeless church and a church that is alive in Revelation 3:3-6. What stands out about each of the promises to you? Which one do you hold most dear and why?

Taking It Home:
• Strengthen a weak point in your life this week. Pray about it and ask God to reveal weak points in your life and how to overcome them.
• Encourage someone in your church family this week by thanking them, having them over for dinner or out for a coffee to pray with.

Here To Serve – Part 4 – Serving as Stewards

Getting to know You:
• What’s one thing you wished you had more
time for and why?

Going Deeper:
• Look up the following verses that talk about the “nearness of the return of Jesus.” (Rom. 13:11, James 5:8, Rev. 3:11, Rev. 22:6-20) Discuss how we should be living in light of his imminent return.
• Use 2 Peter 3:4-11 to answer the question of why the return of Jesus has been “delayed”.
• 1 Peter 4:7 indicates a reason why our prayers may not be answered. What is it?? What other reasons does scripture give for unanswered prayer? (James 1:6, 4:2-6, Isaiah 59:2, 1 Peter 3:7)
• Discuss what it means to love one another earnestly. Read Psalm 32:1-2, James 5:20, Matt. 6:14-15 and talk about what it means to cover sins.
• 1 Peter 4:9 calls us to show hospitality. How might we practically live out this command? Look up Heb. 13:2, Rom. 12:13, Titus 1:8 to see the importance of hospitality for Christians.
• How might we ensure that we “serve by the strength God supplies so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.” What does it mean to serve in God’s strength instead of our own? Look up 2 Cor. 12:9-11 to help you answer.

Taking It Home:
• Seek to bring glory to God through Christ in the way you live this week. Guard your pride, take opportunity to share Christ when you have it. Ask God to show you his glory this week as Moses did in Ex. 33:18-23.

Here To Serve Part 3

Getting to Know You:
• What do you do to keep in shape physically and spiritually?

Going Deeper:
• Read Psalm 68…make note of the connections this psalm has to Jesus in his death and crucifixion.
• Read Eph. 4:8-10, Rom. 10:6-7, 1 Peter. 3:18-20…this could be referring to 1) the incarnation, 2) Jesus’ descent into Hades or 3) Jesus descent into the grave…which option do you believe fits best and why?
• Why is Paul so interested in these verses in maturity and why is maturing in our faith so crucial?
• Discuss the statement in Eph. 4:13 that all is the goal for maturity, not some. How might we develop more maturity here at FBC?
• Reflect on Eph. 4:15. Why is taming our tongue a sign of spiritual maturity? Discuss what type of speech then would entail spiritual maturity?
• What are some ways you’ve implemented in your life to prevent you from “being tossed to and fro by the waves…”? How might we avoid giving into false teaching?

Taking it Home:
• Ask someone you trust this week how you might grow into maturity…ask them to identity area (s) of weakness that you may turn into a strength.

Using Your Gifts To Serve

Getting to Know You: 

  • What area of volunteering do you enjoy participating in the most? What is an area of volunteering you would be interested in trying out?

Going Deeper: 

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 together.

  • Why do you think the Holy Spirit gives us spiritual gifts? What is His purpose in doing so?
  • It is clear from this passage that there is a great diversity of spiritual gifts! What does this teach us about God?
  • Read Ephesians 1:7-10 – This passage is speaking about something that God has began with Jesus and is continuing to do. What is it, and how do we see this happening specifically in the Church?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-26

  • Think about your own life – what are some of the excuses that we tend to give for not using the gifts God has given us? What does this passage say in response?
  • Look at verses 24-26 – according to this passage, how are we, members of the community of Christ (his Body) to view one another? Treat one another? How do our spiritual gifts come into this?

Taking it Home: 

  • Share with your group what you believe your strongest spiritual gift is. What practical step might you take this week to further use your gift within the Church?