Giving – The Lost Blessing

Getting to Know You:

Share an example of a time when someone gave generously to you, and how that impacted you.

Going Deeper: 

Read Acts 20:35.

  • Discuss the different ‘financial worldviews’ you see around you – yours, your friends’, your co-worker’s, etc.

Read Exodus 25:2,8, 36:3-7; 1 Chronicles 29:3,6,9,11-12.

  • Have you ever been bitten by the generosity bug, maybe even surprised yourself at how much you gave? Share how that felt. What power does generosity have in our lives, and how does it impact us?
  • Look again at 1 Chronicles 29:11-12. How is generosity a form of worship? Like other forms of worship, it is not limited to just Sunday mornings at church but is meant to be how we live each day. What is one practical way you can practice generosity as a form of worship that you are not already doing?

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-9.

  • What are the promises we are given in this passage?
  • Look again at verse 7. Name some of the ways you feel compelled to give. What is the genuine need that is present in each of those situations? Perhaps you won’t give in that situation (and there is nothing wrong with that), but if you do, what steps can you take to make sure that you give in a spirit of generosity?

Taking it Home: 

Ask God to put an opportunity in your path this week to give financially that is above and beyond how you currently give. Trust Him and give cheerfully!

Judge Not

Getting to Know You:

In seeking to balance truth and love, which ‘side’ are you more drawn to naturally? How does this impact your relationships?

Going Deeper: 

Read Matthew 7:1-6

  • What is Jesus’ concern in this passage? What is He warning His audience (and us) about?
  • Share of a time when you experienced someone judging you hypocritically.
  • Have you ever been that person? Share of a time when you were convicted of hypocrisy.
  • Look again at verse 6 – what is the real danger and damage that Jesus warns against?

Read Luke 18:9-14

  • Consider the examples of both men. What is Jesus saying about self-righteousness?
  • When we judge others self-righteously, what are we saying about God? What are we saying about ourselves? What are we saying about others?
  • Read Luke 18:18-19. In his response to the rich young ruler, Jesus makes a subtle but important point – what is it? And how does it help us in our relationships with others?

Read Galatians 6:1-10

  • In this passage are several principles that apply to believers in Jesus in the areas of confronting sin, guarding our hearts, life in the Spirit and spiritual perseverance. Share them and discuss:
    • How does this impact my relationship with God?
    • How does this affect my relationship with others?
    • What is God’s desire for me? For others?

Taking it Home: 

Memorize 1 Corinthians 13:1; humble yourself before God each day and pray that His love be what people receive from you

Love Your Enemies

Getting to Know You: 

Share a story or experience of not being treated fairly, whether recent or from childhood. 

Going Deeper: 

– What are some things that you have heard “said” by others as though true, but differ from what is actually written in the Bible? Read Matthew 5:43-45 

– What are some things that you have heard “said” by others as though true, but differ from what is actually written in the Bible? – How would you describe the word ‘enemy’?

– If you would like to, share with the group a story or experience in loving and/or forgiving an enemy. 

– Alternatively, have you ever come to the realization that you were in fact ‘the enemy’ that was being loved by someone else? If so, how did you notice and how did it make you feel? Read Luke 9:52-56, then Matthew 5:46-47 

– Can you relate to James and John at all? If you’re willing, share with the group a story or experience in wishing harm for your enemy. 

– How would you define the sort of love that ‘Agape’ is? Consider the example of Jesus: read John 13:1-5 and Philippians 2:1-4. 

– Are there any ways in which your love for others is selfish and conditional? Confess them together and pray for one another, asking God for a heart like His. 

Taking it Home: 

What enemies could you pray for today?  

The Unforgivable Sin

Getting to Know You: 

• What’s something you’ve doubted about God before and why? 

Going Deeper: 

• Read Romans 6:1-4, 14-15. How might we take advantage of God’s grace? What’s the result of taking advantage of God’s grace according to Rom. 6:19-23? 

• Read 2 Tim. 2:1. How might we be strong in God’s grace? 

• Read Matt. 12:22-23. Why did this miracle make the crowd think Jesus might be Messiah? Read Isaiah 61:1. 

o What’s the importance of knowing God’s word this well? 

• Read Romans 9:14-18 and Exodus 9:12 and 9:34. 

o Who hardened Pharoah’s heart? 

o Did Pharoah have a choice? 

o Was Pharoah held accountable for his choice? 

• Read Hebrews 12:12-17. What happened to Esau according to this text? 

o What can lead to a hard heart according to these verses? 

o How might we avoid a hard heart? 

• Read Psalm 73 and take note of Asaph’s doubt.

o What led to his doubt? 

o What was the turning point in vs.16- 17. 

o What was Asaph’s conclusion 24-28? 

Taking it Home: 

• Memorize Mark 9:24 and pray it regularly this week and beyond when you find yourself doubting God  

Pluck Out Your Eye and Cut Off Your Hand

Getting to Know You: 

• What’s one thing about you that if you could change you would change? 

Going Deeper: 

• Look up the “you have heard it said, but I say to you” statements of Jesus in Matt. 5:21-48. 

o Why is Jesus so concerned to correct these sayings? 

o Which one stood out to you as the most serious? 

o Which one do you need to work on the most? 

• How do we know that Jesus is using hyperbole in vs.28-30 about plucking out eyes and cutting off hands?

o Why is Jesus commanding his followers take such drastic measures? 

• Look up the following verses about lust/adultery and discuss God’s opinion on both. 1 Cor. 6:18-20, 2 Tim. 2:22, 1 Thess. 4:3-5, Psalm 119:9-11, Col. 3:5, Heb. 13:4 

• According to these verses, what’s the only way to be remarried and not commit adultery? Matt. 5:31-32, Lk. 16:18, Matt. 19:9, 1 Cor. 7:10-11, 15-16, 36-40 

• According to 1 Cor.7:1-5 what’s a good way for a married couple to avoid lust/temptation? 

Taking it Home: 

• Review the 8 ways to wage war on lust that PK spoke about on Sunday. Choose one and implement that this week. Start gouging and cutting!   

Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood

Getting To Know You

Describe your favourite meal.

Going Deeper

  • Jesus mentions the first of 7 I am statements in John 6:35. Look up and discuss the other 6 in John 8:12, John 10:9-14, John 11:25, John 14:6, John 15:1-5
    o What is Jesus claiming with these statements? Look up Exodus 3:6
  • Discuss the merits of assurance of salvation as described in John 6:36-44.
    o What gives you the most hope in these verses?
  • What’s the relationship between belief and God’s calling in John 6:36-44 specifically between those who come to Jesus and believe and those the Father draws in vs.36-37, 44, 47.
  • John 6:41-43 tells us some people “grumbled” at Jesus.
    o Why did they grumble?
    o What are some things we might grumble about God?
    o What’s the solution to grumbling according to vs.47?
  • What’s the connection between John 6:53-56 and communion? See Luke 22:14-23 to make the connection.
    o Does the bread and the juice actually become the body and blood of Jesus according to these vs?
    o Why do some churches teach this?

Taking it Home

  • Think about your reason for following Jesus this week? Is it because he’s your spiritual slot machine? Is it because you’re trying to look good to others? Is it because you’re a faker—a sheep in wolves clothing? Or is it because you genuinely love the Lord because He first loved you?
  • Meditate on John 6:35 and Jesus being the Bread of Life.

Deny Yourself

Getting to Know You: 

  • Why do you think people are so drawn to social media likes and gaining followers? 
  • How does that reflect on our need to follow Jesus? 

Going Deeper: 

  • Read Mark 10:28-31.  What answer does Jesus give Peter when Peter leaves everything to follow Jesus?
    • How is leaving everything to follow Jesus and denying myself connected?
    • What does it mean in this context that the first will be last and last first? 
  • Read Luke 14:26-35 and discuss the costs Jesus says are associated with following him. 
    • What does Jesus mean when he says to hate your family? 
    • Why must we be willing to renounce everything we have to be a disciple? 
  • Read Colossians 3:2-8.  What does it mean to put to death our fleshly desires? 
    • What on this list do you struggle to kill in your life? 
    • How might you kill it?  Read Romans 8:5-14 and discuss several ways to kill the flesh. 
  • According to John 15:18-20 what is the reason the world hates those who follow Jesus?
    • How are we to react when that happens? 

Taking it Home: 

  • What do you need to do to deny yourself?  What needs to die in your life to take up your cross?  Make a list and choose something to start denying/killing this week.

I Never Knew You

Getting to Know You: 

• Would you rather get to know a stranger, or get to know someone you already know a little bit better? 

Going Deeper: 

• Read Matt 7:15-27 and make note of the contrasts Jesus makes in his teaching. 

   o How does this inform the way we view verses 21-23? 

   o How does verses 24-27 inform vs.21- 23? 

• Do you believe these verses describe a false profession of faith, or a loss of salvation? Why or why not? 

   o Look up Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23 the Parable of the Sower… how does Jesus describe the soils? 

• What should we do to determine God’s Will? 

   o Ask for it—Psalm 143:10 

   o Be spiritually transformed by the Word—Rom. 12:1-2 

   o Read these verses about God’s Will…1 Pet. 2:15-16, 1 Thess. 4:3-7, 1 Thess. 5:16-18 

• How should we define the spiritual gift of prophecy? As foretelling the future or forthtelling truth?

   o Read Rom. 12:6, 1 Cor. 14:1-5, 38, 1 Peter 4:10-12 and discuss the gift of prophecy…how does this gift manifest itself today? 

   o How do we know God still heals today? Does the gift of healing still exist today? How do you know this? 

• Read Matt. 7:23–How can we ensure we know Jesus intimately and he knows us??? 

Taking it Home: 

• How might we evaluate our lives to ensure we’re doing God’s will and our actions back up our words?   

Jesus Is Coming Soon

Getting to Know you:

  • Talk about something you had to wait for
    this week that frustrated you.
  • What’s something you were looking
    forward to (waiting for) that delivered on its
    expectations? Name something that didn’t
    deliver on its expectations.

Going Deeper

  • Read Rev. 1:1-3 and Rev. 22:7, 12, 20. Why does John begin and end his book with the same theme? Why is the return of Jesus repeated so often?
  • Read the parable of the 10 virgins in Matt. 25.
    o What’s the difference between the wise and foolish men?
    o What’s the result for those who weren’t prepared?
  • Why does the bible so often liken the second coming to a thief? Read Matt.24:36-51 to answer this.
    o What does it mean for us to be ready for the return of Jesus in these verses?
  • Revelation 22:12 tells us that Jesus will repay each one for what he has done. What is this referring to? Look up 2 Cor. 5:10 and 1 Cor. 3:10-15 about what this will look like for believers.
  • Why are the warnings for altering God’s Word so severe in Rev. 22:18-19

Going Deeper

Evaluate which of the 5 ways to wait well PK spoke about on Sunday that you need to put into practice the most. Ask someone to help hold you accountable and ask God for the strength to enact it.

Everything Made New

Getting to Know You:

-What are you most looking forward to in heaven and why?

-What has been/is your greatest misconception about heaven?

Going Deeper:

-Discuss whether the sea in Rev. 21:1 is referencing literal waters or metaphorically the chaos that is against God’s ordered world. Use Rev. 13:1, Gen. 1:1-2, Isa. 17:12- 14, Psalm 46:2-4

-Talk about what it will be like to be face to face with God and have him dwell with us. Rev. 21:3, Rev. 22:4…
-How else has God dwelt with his people and how does he dwell with us right now? See John 1:14 and Rom. 8:9-11

-Read 1 Peter 3:4-10…discuss whether you think God is going to destroy the earth and remake it from scratch, or whether he will renew it and renovate it.

-Read 1 Cor. 15:42-57 and discuss what our new bodies will be like. What are you most looking forward to?

-What are your thoughts on whether there will be meat and sex in heaven? Use scripture to back up your answers…see Matt. 22:30, Rev. 21:4 and Genesis 1-2 to help inform your answer.

-What are some of the things we’ll be doing for eternity? Use Rev. 22:3, Luke 19:17-19, Lk. 22:18, Rev. 19:9, and Isaiah 11:6-9

Take it Home:

Allow God to do the refining and restoring he needs to do in your life this week. Give him the pruning shears and ask him to start cutting. Read John 15:1-4.