Getting to Know You:
• What’s something you hoped for as a child that came to fruition? What about something you
hoped for that disappointed you in the end?
Going Deeper:
• Read Psalm 33:18-22. Where does the psalmist place his hope? Why is the location of our hope so crucial?
o Part of hoping is waiting. What gives the psalmist the ability to wait on God in these verses?
o What makes waiting so hard?
o What have you found helps you wait on the Lord?
• Read Col.1:27. What does it mean that Christ is our hope of glory?
o Eph.1:13-14 indicates the Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance. How is Christ and the Spirit simultaneously in us? Use Rom.8:9 to help your answer
• Look up Titus 2:11-14. What is the blessed hope that we are waiting for?
o How are we to wait for his appearing according to vs.12, 14? What can help us live this way?
• Read 1 Peter 1:3-4. Discuss what our coming inheritance is all about.
o Vs.4 describes it as being kept in heaven for you. How can this give us assurance of our salvation? What other verses might you suggest to someone struggling with assurance of their salvation?
• Read Romans 15:13 together as a group. What does practically mean to abound in hope?
Taking it Home:
• Encourage someone this week with the hope that is in you. Call, text, write, hug them.
• Look for an opportunity to be a beacon of hope in your community, then shine bright!