Salvation Belongs to God

Getting to Know You:
• Share an intense experience you’ve had at work, school, home, etc. and how God walked you through it.

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 7

• Read vs.9-10. Discuss the beauty of diversity in the kingdom. What’s the importance of unity in the local church and how can we practically maintain it as Eph.4:3 commands?

• What is the significance of God holding back the winds in verses 1-3?
– What does this show about God’s character?

• Look up the following verses that talk about the seal of God and discuss what the seal is and what it does. (Eph. 1:13, 4:30, Rev. 9:4, 2 Cor. 1:22, 2 Tim. 2:19)

• What is the connection between the seals in Rev. 7 and Ezekiel 9:1-6?
– Why does John so often quote or allude to the OT in Revelation?

• Who do you believe the 144,000 are? Explain your answer from scripture. Use Revelation 14 to help you.

• List the characteristics of God in vs.12 and discuss the significance of each.
– Note how many are listed and why that’s important.

• What’s the significance of having robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb? What’s the connection to Isa. 53 and Ex. 12

Take Home:
• Make a list of 10 Promises of God that are dear to you and be willing to share some of them with the group next week.
