Growing Together

Getting to Know You: 

• What’s your favourite workout or activity to stay active? 

Going Deeper: 

• How does knowing these verses (Heb.5:11ff) are written as a warning with irony and sarcasm to Jewish believers being tempted to go back into Judaism change the way you look at these verses? 

• Look up 1 Cor.3:3-15 and Discuss the partnership we have with God in our spiritual growth. What does it mean that we are God’s fellow workers according to vs.9? 

• Look up the following verses that talk about hearing and doing. What’s the connection between the two in Matt: 7:21-27? What happens to those who hear and do vs those who only hear? 

o What are some things that we do that show we’re lazy in our hearing? 

o Discuss the statement “the enemy of maturity is laziness while growth requires discipline.” 

• Vs.13 tell us that immature are those who are unskilled in the word or righteousness. Do you think this leans to not knowing God’s Word or being mature to the point of death or both options? 

• Look up the Col.1:28 and Eph.4:11-16 and unpack some signs of maturity in these verses. 

• What does it mean to have your spiritual senses trained? What are some spiritual disciples you’ve found effective in your training? 

• Read Heb.6:1-3. How does it change the meaning of these verses knowing the things being left behind aren’t Christian doctrines by Jewish legalistic practices? 

Take it Home: 

• Try a spiritual discipline you don’t regularly practice this week and take note of how it helped you grow.  


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