Growing Together

Getting to Know You: 

• What’s your favourite workout or activity to stay active? 

Going Deeper: 

• How does knowing these verses (Heb.5:11ff) are written as a warning with irony and sarcasm to Jewish believers being tempted to go back into Judaism change the way you look at these verses? 

• Look up 1 Cor.3:3-15 and Discuss the partnership we have with God in our spiritual growth. What does it mean that we are God’s fellow workers according to vs.9? 

• Look up the following verses that talk about hearing and doing. What’s the connection between the two in Matt: 7:21-27? What happens to those who hear and do vs those who only hear? 

o What are some things that we do that show we’re lazy in our hearing? 

o Discuss the statement “the enemy of maturity is laziness while growth requires discipline.” 

• Vs.13 tell us that immature are those who are unskilled in the word or righteousness. Do you think this leans to not knowing God’s Word or being mature to the point of death or both options? 

• Look up the Col.1:28 and Eph.4:11-16 and unpack some signs of maturity in these verses. 

• What does it mean to have your spiritual senses trained? What are some spiritual disciples you’ve found effective in your training? 

• Read Heb.6:1-3. How does it change the meaning of these verses knowing the things being left behind aren’t Christian doctrines by Jewish legalistic practices? 

Take it Home: 

• Try a spiritual discipline you don’t regularly practice this week and take note of how it helped you grow.  


Fellowship with Others

Getting to Know you:

• Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it great. 

Going Deeper: 

• In your experience, what makes Christian Fellowship so unique and different and attractive? 

• Look up 1 John 1:3-9. 

– What’s Johns reasoning for proclaiming the good news of the gospel in vs.3? What should our motivation be for doing the same thing? 

– What’s the end result of Fellowship with God according to vs.4? How should that be reflected in our lives? 

– Grapple with vs.5-6 and discuss why actions are more important than words when it comes to following Jesus. 

•Look up the parable of the sower in Matt.13 and discuss the parable in light on John’s words here. 

– If we cannot ever be without sin in this life, why try to be holy at all? 

• Look up Phil.3:10-11. Paul talks about the fellowship/share/koinonia of Jesus’ suffering. How do we share in Jesus suffering and why is it necessary so we might attain resurrection? 

• Look up 1 Cor.1:9-17. How should fellowship with Jesus affect our relationship with others?

– Why is division within the body of Christ something God’s Word overwhelmingly condemns? Discuss some biblical reasons to leave a church. Look up Jude to help your answer. 

Take it Home:

 • Examine your life to see what how your Fellowship with God is going. Evaluate your fellowship with others in God’s family and how might you work towards increasing community here at FBC?  


Sharing With Others

Getting to Know you:

  • What’s the best gift you’ve received from
    someone else and what made it the best?
  • Going Deeper
  • Look up Matt.25:31-40 and list the names of
    Jesus in these verses. Discuss the importance of
    each of those names.
  • Look at Acts 2:44-45. Why do you think this
    early church practice didn’t continue? Look at
    Acts 5:1-11 to help inform your answer.
  • Discuss this statement: The church shouldn’t be
    socialists, but it should be the first to help those
    in need. How might we better help those in
    need in our church family individually and
  • How might we help make hospitality a thing we
    are known for as believers? Look up Heb.13:16
    and Rom 12:13 to inform your answer.
  • Look up 1 John 3:17 and Matt.25:40, 45-46.
    How is serving those in need so close to the
    heart of God and how is it connected to our
    o Discuss the following statement: “Good
    works are not the cause of salvation,
    but the effect of salvation. Good works
    result from our relationship with the
    Good Shepherd.” Back up your
    thoughts with scripture how good
    works don’t save but prove our
  • Look up Revelation 22:6-21. Notice how many
    times Jesus says he is coming back. What
    should our response be to the reality of Jesus’
    soon return? Why do you think Jesus hasn’t yet
    returned? 2 Peter 3:4-10
  • Taking It Home
  • Make a plan with your family to actively serve
    someone this week…invite someone over for a
    meal. Buy and give someone a gift card…help
    out at Foodbank…etc.

Praying Together

Getting to Know You:  

What is your favourite movie scene of all time and why?  

Going Deeper:  

Look up 2 Cor.10:3-5 and discuss how prayer is a weapon of spiritual warfare.  List the things prayer does in these verses and discuss how we can implement them into our individual lives and our corporate lives in church.

What are some of the excuses you’ve made or reasons you’ve listed for not praying as much or as often as you should.  Why do we often default to those reasons instead of praying?  

What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?  Why should we ask God to be filled with his Spirit?  Look up Eph.5:18  What can we do to prevent being filled by the Spirit according to Eph.4;30, 1 thess.5:19-21, 

Look up Col.1:3, Eph.:16, 1 Thess.1:2, Phil.1:3, Rom.1:8.  What do these verses have in common?  How might we express our gratitude for other believers in tangible ways?  How does having a thankful attitude instead of an attitude of complaining change us?  

Read Col.1:4-8 and list what Paul is thankful for.  He’s thankful specifically for the gospel.  What about the gospel should we be thankful for?  

He’s thankful for Epaphras…look up Col.4:12-13 and notice what Epaphras did for this church.  What is the importance of praying for your leaders regularly?  

Col.1:9 tells us to petition God on behalf of others.  Why is it so crucial we regularly pray on behalf of others?  Read and Discuss James 5:16 to assist your answer.

According to Col.1:10-14 what does it mean to live a life that pleases God?  Make a list of the things Paul encourages the church to give God glory for in vs.12-14…

Take it Home:  

Spend time praying these things over each other in your group and at home…thank God for someone in your group/church and ask God for something from this list for someone in your group/church.  Practice this regularly!  


We The Church – Part 4

Getting to Know You:

What is the best celebration you have ever attended? What made it so memorable?

Going Deeper:

Read 1 Corinthians 11:17-22 and list the problems that Paul is addressing in this passage. What is Paul’s overall concern for them? For their faith?

  • Considering the problems listed, what should our heart attitudes be when we come together for communion?
  • Read James 2:1-11. What is the problem with division in the Church of Jesus?
  • Look again at James 2:4-5 – specifically, what problems do factions cause when observing communion? Why does this matter for our faith?

Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. According to this passage, what is the significance of the New Covenant, and why do we celebrate it when we take communion?

  • Read Hebrews 10:1-12. Discuss the ways that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament Law, and the difference between our faith today and the Jewish faith before Jesus.
  • Beyond communion, how else could/should we revere Jesus in his death and resurrection for us? How might we celebrate Jesus in our everyday lives in practical ways?

Read 1 Corinthians 11:27-34.

  • Paul said the ‘j’ word – why is taking Communion “in an unworthy manner” so serious to God that we would come under his judgment? What is the sin issue here?
  • Look again at verse 32 – why does God discipline us? Also consider Hebrews 12:5-11.
  • Look again at verses 28-29. How exactly do we “examine” ourselves? What value does this have for our faith and our church community as we take communion regularly?
  • Look again at verses 33-34 – what are some barriers we face to unity in our church family? How might we practically overcome them?

Taking it Home:

Take time this week to praise Jesus and thank him for dying for you.


Teaching Together

Getting to Know You:
Share with the group one of your biggest strengths and one of your biggest weaknesses.

Going Deeper:

Read Ephesians 4:7-16 together.
– Consider the spiritual gifts mentioned in verse 11, as well as 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. Which of these gifts do you see most strongly in your life? Why?
– How do these 5 gifts specifically help “equip the saints” and “build up the body of Christ” unto spiritual maturity?
– Look again at verse 14 – Do you know anyone who has fallen for false doctrine? What is the danger you see for their faith and life? What could have prevented them from getting swept away by false doctrine?

Read Ephesians 5:15-21 together.
– Consider the truth that while only a few believers will be Pastors and Teachers, most believers will still teach others through the influence and example of their everyday lives.
– How is this truth evidenced in this passage? Specifically how do our everyday lives influence others and grow the Body of Christ? Refer to Colossians 4:6 as well.
– This passage clearly advocates for believers meeting together, however teaching one another through discipleship requires intentionality. What are some examples of barriers that prevent us from being intentional in our relationships with others? And how can these barriers be overcome?

Read Hebrews 12:3-13 together.
– What does discipline have to do with growing to spiritual maturity?
– What does discipline teach us about God? About ourselves? How should we respond?

Taking it Home:
Ask God to help you be intentional this week about using your everyday interactions with others for His glory.


The Great Commission

Getting to Know You:
To what extent does sharing the Gospel with others fit into your everyday life? Does it come naturally, or do you find it difficult to do?

Going Deeper:
Bechara Karkafi’s message was rooted in the Great Commission, found in Matthew 28:16-20. Read this passage together.

– What does Jesus mean by telling his disciples to “Go”? How are we to act on this command today? Consider 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 and what it means to the world around us that we are followers of Jesus.

– Read Romans 10:14-17. Though most (if not all) of us are not career missionaries, how does this passage apply to us? What stops us from living in all ways as those sent by God?

– What is the difference between ‘making a disciple’ and ‘making a convert’? What does Jesus want to see occur as a result of his followers (us) discipling others?
o Read 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 and Philippians 1:9-11 – What do these passages teach us about what it means to disciple others?

– Read Luke 9:23-26 and 1 John 1:5-2:6. Why is obedience to Christ central to discipleship? And how do we avoid legalism even as we learn (and teach others) to obey Jesus?

– Read Matthew 28:20b one more time
– What difference does (should) it make that Jesus is always with us? In what ways do you live as though he is not? And how, practically, might you begin to change this?

Taking it Home:
Ask God for an opportunity to step out in courage and share the Gospel with someone this week.


We The Church Part 1

Getting to Know You:
– Talk about your family get together over Christmas one thing that encouraged you.
– Talk about one win from 2024 that you have celebrated in your personal life and in the life of your church family.

Going Deeper:
– Look up Colossians 1:18 and Eph.1:22-23. Discuss what it means for Jesus to be the “head of the church”.
o According to Colossians, what is the reason Jesus is the head of the church?

– Look up 1 Cor.12:12-13 and discuss the concept of Spirit Baptism. Is this verse speaking about what happens at salvation or a second experience after salvation and why?
o Look up Acts 1:5, John 3:5, Titus 3:5. Do you think these verses are referring to salvation or another experience?
o Discuss what it means to be filled with the Spirit according to Eph.5:18.

– Why is it so crucial for local churches to remember Jesus has only body and that everyone in that body, no matter their background, standing, skin colour are equal in the eyes of God?

– 1 Cor.12:14-17 make it plain that every part is important. What are some ways our church can ensure everyone is valued in our church family?

– “Play your part” is one of the things Pastor Kevin encouraged us to do in the message. What are some ways we can play our part as part of the body and as individuals wherever God has placed us? How might we encourage others to play their part?

– Read 1 Cor.12:21-25. What does it mean that the weaker parts are indispensable?
o How can we ensure that there is no division in the body according to vs.25?

Taking it Home:
– Make a plan how you might care for others in our church family when they are hurting and reach out to someone this week to encourage them.


Advent: Joy

Getting to Know You:
• What’s a winter activity you really enjoy and why?

Going Deeper:
• Look up Psalm 30:5. What does it mean to have joy in the morning? Look at the rest of the chapter to determine what that means.

• Why do you think the disciples had such trouble understanding what Jesus said in John 16:16-19? Look up the times Jesus predicted his death and resurrection…should this have surprised the disciples? Matt.16:21-28, 17:22-23, 20:17- 19

• Read Ezekiel 33:11-20. How does God view the wicked and the righteous in these verses?
o What defines the righteous in these verses? What does God think of righteous acts to make us righteous?
o What is it that causes us to be righteous?

• Read John 16:23-24 and discuss what it means to “ask of the Father in my name and he will give it to you” and what is means to “ask, and you will receive.”
o Does it mean we can ask Jesus for anything, and he’ll answer our prayers?

• How might we have our joy filled to the brim and overflowing according to John 16:24 and John 15:11?
o What does it mean to abide in the Lord and to wait on him to receive?

Taking it Home:
• Cultivate joy this week by: preaching the gospel to yourself; asking God to restore your joy (Psalm 51:12); reading scripture back to God—Philippians; Singing some worship music; making thankfulness a habit.



Getting to Know You:
• What do you look forward to most about Christmas? What do you least look forward to?

Going Deeper:
• Read Eph.2:12-22. Describe what it’s like to be separated from God from these verses.
o What did Jesus do to the law? What does it mean for Jesus to abolish the law?
o Talk about what happened to competing nations through Jesus. How should we view the Jewish people because of these verses?

• Read John 14:27, John 16:33—What type of peace does Jesus give? How does it differ from the world around us?

• What does it mean for us to be peacemakers? Read Matt.5:9, James 3:18, Eph.4:3, Rom.14:19.
o What’s the result for those who make peace?
o List the ways we can be at peace with our enemies according to Rom.12:14-21.
o What does it mean to live peaceably with all as far as it depends on you?

• What are some of the reasons people struggle with anxiety? Why is just pray about it not sufficient as a solution all the time?
o What are some of the substitutes for peace our world offers—John 16:33
o How might we learn to let go of our anxiety according to Phil.4:6-7
o How might we change our thinking? Vs.8
o What does obeying God’s word do to our minds and hearts according to vs.9?

Living it out:
• Spend time this week memorizing Phil.4:6-9 and use it as your defence when anxiety and worry and fear come into your life.
