Witness This!

Getting to Know you:

  • Discuss a time you were witness to something amazing or horrific.

Going Deeper

  • Read Revelation 11.
    – What is the significance of the measuring in vs.1-2. Read Dan. 5:27 and Rev. 7:3-4 to assist your answers.
  • In Rev. 11:15-19 forecasts the second coming. Discuss some of the details of the 2nd coming John lists in these verses.
    – What should our response be in light of Jesus’ return according to vs.16-17?
  • How are God’s people the temple of God? Read 1 Cor.3:16 and 2 Cor.6:18-20 to assist your answer.
    – If we are God’s temple how then should we live?
  • Read Daniel 7:21-25. What will characterize the beast/antichrist?
    – Notice the time stamp in vs.25 and discuss how it connects to Rev.11:2-3.
  • In Rev. 11:13 people give glory to God. What is the significance of that reality considering earlier responses in the book? (Rev. 9:20-21, Rev. 6:15-17)
  • Discuss the statement “repentance is the message of the gospel and the kingdom of God.” What is repentance and why is it so crucial for salvation? See Mark 1:14, Matt.3:8)

Take It Home

  • Spend some time actively repenting before the Lord of known and unknown sins.
    – Meditate on Psalm 19:12-14
    – Repent of known sins against others and ask their forgiveness.
  • Testify to God’s goodness this week by publicly thanking God or posting a verse on social media or by speaking up at work.