What does the Bible say about Homosexuality?
Getting to know you:
- Discuss a time you felt/were super awkward or
out of place. How did that make you feel?
Going Deeper:
- Read Genesis 18:20-33, 19:4-11. What’s the
reason God sent angels to the twin cities?
o Talk about the mercy God was willing to
show in 18:22-32
o Which person of the trinity is present in
this story and caused the destruction of
Sodom? Support your answer with
Gen.18. Why is this finding so crucial? - Read Lev.18 and list the unholy sexual relations
in these verses.
o According to vs.27 what does God call
all of these unholy actions? What is the
reason they are unholy?
o What’s the result for God’s people if we
participate in these actions? See vs.24-
30. - According to 1 Cor.6:9-11 those who are
unrighteous don’t enter the kingdom. Why can
we not “agree to disagree” on homosexual
activity with others according to these verses.
o Discuss the difference between a
lifestyle sin and one we may trip into
occasionally and how that affects our
eternity. - Read Revelation 2:20-22. What does John say
should be done to those who teach the
opposite of what scripture teaches in the realm
of sexuality? - Which one of the 4 objections to scriptures
teaching on homosexual activity that PK
mentioned Sunday have you had interactions
with and how might we answer it biblically? - How should we respond to the gay community
and fellow believers struggling with SSA? Use
scripture to back up your answer.Taking it Home:
- Read through 1 Cor.6:9-11 and thank God this
week for washing, for sanctifying, for justifying