We The Church Part 1

Getting to Know You:
– Talk about your family get together over Christmas one thing that encouraged you.
– Talk about one win from 2024 that you have celebrated in your personal life and in the life of your church family.

Going Deeper:
– Look up Colossians 1:18 and Eph.1:22-23. Discuss what it means for Jesus to be the “head of the church”.
o According to Colossians, what is the reason Jesus is the head of the church?

– Look up 1 Cor.12:12-13 and discuss the concept of Spirit Baptism. Is this verse speaking about what happens at salvation or a second experience after salvation and why?
o Look up Acts 1:5, John 3:5, Titus 3:5. Do you think these verses are referring to salvation or another experience?
o Discuss what it means to be filled with the Spirit according to Eph.5:18.

– Why is it so crucial for local churches to remember Jesus has only body and that everyone in that body, no matter their background, standing, skin colour are equal in the eyes of God?

– 1 Cor.12:14-17 make it plain that every part is important. What are some ways our church can ensure everyone is valued in our church family?

– “Play your part” is one of the things Pastor Kevin encouraged us to do in the message. What are some ways we can play our part as part of the body and as individuals wherever God has placed us? How might we encourage others to play their part?

– Read 1 Cor.12:21-25. What does it mean that the weaker parts are indispensable?
o How can we ensure that there is no division in the body according to vs.25?

Taking it Home:
– Make a plan how you might care for others in our church family when they are hurting and reach out to someone this week to encourage them.