The Beginning of the End

Getting to Know You:
• Describe a time in your life that was particularly chaotic for you. What helped you survive that situation?

Going Deeper:
• Read Revelation 6.

• Notice the martyrs in verses 9-11.
– Where are they located and why is that significant?
– Why were they killed? What then should we be willing to die for as followers of Jesus?
– Read 1 Peter 4:12-19 and John 15:18-25. What are the reasons believers are persecuted in these verses?
– How might we prepare ourselves for coming persecution?
– What do the martyrs ask for in vs.10? Does this seem appropriate in your mind? Why or why not? How does this compare to imprecatory psalms such as Psalm 79:6-7. How might Romans 12:19 play into this?

• Look up Zechariah 6:1-6. Note the similarities between these verses and Rev. 6:1-8. Even in the middle of all this chaos, Jesus is in control. What comfort does this bring you now and for times?

• How and why do all the most powerful people in our world respond the way they do in Rev. 6:15-16?
– Why do they want to die instead of facing God’s wrath?
– What does this tell us about the nature of God’s wrath? Look up the following verses to help you answer: John 3:36, Nahum 1:2-6, Romans 2:5.

Take it Home:
• Memorize and meditate on Psalm 56:3-4. Be prepared to recite it at community group next week!