Sharing With Others
Getting to Know you:
- What’s the best gift you’ve received from
someone else and what made it the best? - Going Deeper
- Look up Matt.25:31-40 and list the names of
Jesus in these verses. Discuss the importance of
each of those names. - Look at Acts 2:44-45. Why do you think this
early church practice didn’t continue? Look at
Acts 5:1-11 to help inform your answer. - Discuss this statement: The church shouldn’t be
socialists, but it should be the first to help those
in need. How might we better help those in
need in our church family individually and
collectively? - How might we help make hospitality a thing we
are known for as believers? Look up Heb.13:16
and Rom 12:13 to inform your answer. - Look up 1 John 3:17 and Matt.25:40, 45-46.
How is serving those in need so close to the
heart of God and how is it connected to our
o Discuss the following statement: “Good
works are not the cause of salvation,
but the effect of salvation. Good works
result from our relationship with the
Good Shepherd.” Back up your
thoughts with scripture how good
works don’t save but prove our
salvation. - Look up Revelation 22:6-21. Notice how many
times Jesus says he is coming back. What
should our response be to the reality of Jesus’
soon return? Why do you think Jesus hasn’t yet
returned? 2 Peter 3:4-10 - Taking It Home
- Make a plan with your family to actively serve
someone this week…invite someone over for a
meal. Buy and give someone a gift card…help
out at Foodbank…etc.