Praying Together
Getting to Know You:
What is your favourite movie scene of all time and why?
Going Deeper:
Look up 2 Cor.10:3-5 and discuss how prayer is a weapon of spiritual warfare. List the things prayer does in these verses and discuss how we can implement them into our individual lives and our corporate lives in church.
What are some of the excuses you’ve made or reasons you’ve listed for not praying as much or as often as you should. Why do we often default to those reasons instead of praying?
What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Why should we ask God to be filled with his Spirit? Look up Eph.5:18 What can we do to prevent being filled by the Spirit according to Eph.4;30, 1 thess.5:19-21,
Look up Col.1:3, Eph.:16, 1 Thess.1:2, Phil.1:3, Rom.1:8. What do these verses have in common? How might we express our gratitude for other believers in tangible ways? How does having a thankful attitude instead of an attitude of complaining change us?
Read Col.1:4-8 and list what Paul is thankful for. He’s thankful specifically for the gospel. What about the gospel should we be thankful for?
He’s thankful for Epaphras…look up Col.4:12-13 and notice what Epaphras did for this church. What is the importance of praying for your leaders regularly?
Col.1:9 tells us to petition God on behalf of others. Why is it so crucial we regularly pray on behalf of others? Read and Discuss James 5:16 to assist your answer.
According to Col.1:10-14 what does it mean to live a life that pleases God? Make a list of the things Paul encourages the church to give God glory for in vs.12-14…
Take it Home:
Spend time praying these things over each other in your group and at home…thank God for someone in your group/church and ask God for something from this list for someone in your group/church. Practice this regularly!