I Fought the Law and the Law Won
Getting to Know You:
- Discuss a time you were clearly in the wrong, but you insisted you were right…how did that go for you?
- Would you rather spend time wisely or just live in the moment?
Going Deeper
- Read Romans 7:1-6 and discuss why people might conclude that the law is sin.
– Discuss Romans 6:14. How do grace and law go hand in hand? - What is the function of the law according to Rom. 7:7?
– Discuss the benefit of the law to followers of Jesus today. - How might the law increase sin in us? Does that make the law guilty or does it make the law-breaker guilty.
- Discuss why some today accuse God of being immoral because of his law and standards.
- How might we avoid coveting or lusting after people and things? Use Matt. 5:27-30, 2 Tim. 2:22, Col. 3:5, Rom. 13:9
- Read Rom. 7:11 and the account of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 and discuss how sin “seizes an opportunity” in us and is ready to “pounce” on us. What do these verses tell us is the way to guard against this from happening?
Taking It Home
- Take a moment each day to confess sin before the Lord.
- Reflect on the forgiveness you have from God and how you have been declared righteous and think on how you might live righteously.