Here To Serve – Part 4 – Serving as Stewards
Getting to know You:
• What’s one thing you wished you had more
time for and why?
Going Deeper:
• Look up the following verses that talk about the “nearness of the return of Jesus.” (Rom. 13:11, James 5:8, Rev. 3:11, Rev. 22:6-20) Discuss how we should be living in light of his imminent return.
• Use 2 Peter 3:4-11 to answer the question of why the return of Jesus has been “delayed”.
• 1 Peter 4:7 indicates a reason why our prayers may not be answered. What is it?? What other reasons does scripture give for unanswered prayer? (James 1:6, 4:2-6, Isaiah 59:2, 1 Peter 3:7)
• Discuss what it means to love one another earnestly. Read Psalm 32:1-2, James 5:20, Matt. 6:14-15 and talk about what it means to cover sins.
• 1 Peter 4:9 calls us to show hospitality. How might we practically live out this command? Look up Heb. 13:2, Rom. 12:13, Titus 1:8 to see the importance of hospitality for Christians.
• How might we ensure that we “serve by the strength God supplies so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.” What does it mean to serve in God’s strength instead of our own? Look up 2 Cor. 12:9-11 to help you answer.
Taking It Home:
• Seek to bring glory to God through Christ in the way you live this week. Guard your pride, take opportunity to share Christ when you have it. Ask God to show you his glory this week as Moses did in Ex. 33:18-23.