Freedom from Sin

Getting to Know You:

  • What’s one of your favourite games and why?

Going Deeper

  • Read Romans 8:1-11
  • Instead of external requirements of the Law, God gave us a new heart and made his Spirit alive in us. Discuss how God did this using Romans 8:2-3 and Ez.36:26-27.
  • Romans 8:9 talks about the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ. Who sent the Spirit and why according to the following verses:
    Luke 11:13, 1 John 4:13, John 16:7, John 14:26, John 15:26, John 14:15-17, 1 Cor.6:19-20.
  • Roman 8:11 indicates that the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. Look up the following verses to determine who all played a part in the resurrection. John 10:17-18, Acts 2:24, Romans 6:4. What does this tell us about the Trinity?
  • How can you tell if you’re living according to the flesh or according to the Spirit? How does Romans 8:7 answer that question?
  • What should you do if you continue to feel condemnation for something that has been confessed and forgiven according to Romans 8:1?
  • How might we know the Spirit of God dwells in us? Read Romans 8:9-11 and note the three if statements to inform your answer.

Taking It Home:

  • Practice setting your mind on things of the Spirit instead of things of the flesh.