Advent: Joy

Getting to Know You:
• What’s a winter activity you really enjoy and why?

Going Deeper:
• Look up Psalm 30:5. What does it mean to have joy in the morning? Look at the rest of the chapter to determine what that means.

• Why do you think the disciples had such trouble understanding what Jesus said in John 16:16-19? Look up the times Jesus predicted his death and resurrection…should this have surprised the disciples? Matt.16:21-28, 17:22-23, 20:17- 19

• Read Ezekiel 33:11-20. How does God view the wicked and the righteous in these verses?
o What defines the righteous in these verses? What does God think of righteous acts to make us righteous?
o What is it that causes us to be righteous?

• Read John 16:23-24 and discuss what it means to “ask of the Father in my name and he will give it to you” and what is means to “ask, and you will receive.”
o Does it mean we can ask Jesus for anything, and he’ll answer our prayers?

• How might we have our joy filled to the brim and overflowing according to John 16:24 and John 15:11?
o What does it mean to abide in the Lord and to wait on him to receive?

Taking it Home:
• Cultivate joy this week by: preaching the gospel to yourself; asking God to restore your joy (Psalm 51:12); reading scripture back to God—Philippians; Singing some worship music; making thankfulness a habit.