Why Did I Do That?

Getting to Know You: 

  • Share a lifestyle change that you look forward to making in your life soon.

Going Deeper: 

Read Romans 7:13-25 together.

We are in an ongoing spiritual war! Aaron described three enemies that we face – the devil, the world and our flesh.

  • Why are we unable to win this war on our own? Will we ever be free of sin?
  • Read 1 Peter 5:8-9 and Ephesians 6:10-12. According to these passages, how and why does Satan attack us?
  • Read 1 Peter 4:1-4, 12 and Matthew 5:11-12. How and why does the world attack us?
  • Read James 1:13-15 and Galatians 6:16-26. What is the ‘pull’ that our flesh has in our lives? How and why are we are war with our flesh?

What hope do believers in Jesus have for victory and freedom in our lives? How should we fight this war? To help answer these questions, look at Ephesians 6:13-18, Romans 7:24-25, and James 4:7-10.

Taking it Home:

Remember this: “Grace sets me free to defeat sin daily.” This week, meditate daily on Ephesians 2:8-10.
